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DUA ON A FRIDAY According to Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas (radhiyallahu anhu), Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) exhorted that ten raka’ts be performed before Jumuah Salaat.
These ten raka’ts do not refer to Dhuha Salaat. These are an additional Nafl Salaat.
In each raka’t after Surah Faatihah, Surah Ikhlaas should be recited 10 times. After this Salaat, recite the Tasbeeh: Subhaanallaahi wal hamdulillaahi wa laa ilaha il lallaahu wal laahu akbar wala houla wala quwwata il la bil laahil aliy yil azweem. After this, whatever dua is asked will be accepted by Allah Ta’ala.