Guarantee for a House in Jannah in Exchange of 100000 dirhams

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه was on his way with his slave when they passed by a handsome youngster busy constructing a house. The youngster was giving instructions to the builders that this should be built here and that should be put there etc. He perceived that the youngster was a person with great potential and capability, which unfortunately was being used for obtaining the dunya. He said to his servant, “What a good boy he is. My heart’s desire is that if only he could be from the youngsters of Jannah.”

Saying this, they approached the youngster and made salaam to which the youngster replied accordingly. When he recognised Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه , he stood up out of respect and asked him the reason for his visit. Maalik bin Dinaar asked him, “How many dirhams will you spend on this house?” He replied, “100 000 dirhams.” Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه then asked, “What do you have to say if you give me this 100 000 dirhams and in exchange, I will stand as a guarantee for a better house in Jannah?”
He said, “Give me the night to think about it. Come to me in the morning and I will inform you of my decision.”

Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه  gave him respite till the morning and made du`aa for him the entire night. In the morning, he went to the youngster who was waiting for him. On seeing him arriving, the youngster was delighted and said, “I will give you the 100 000 dirhams on condition that you write down for me that which you have promised.” It was written down and the youngster handed over the 100 000 dirhams which were subsequently distributed amongst the poor and destitute.
Barely forty days had passed when Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه found the same letter in the mihraab of the Musjid after completing Fajr Salaah. On the reverse side, it was written, “We have given the youngster the house in Jannah which you took responsibility for. In fact, he has been given something 70 times better than that.” He was astonished when he read the letter.

Immediately he went to the house of the youngster and noticed a black mark on the house, which was a sign of mourning. He heard the sounds of crying coming from inside and was informed that the youngster had passed away the day before.
Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه then spoke to the person who bathed the youngster’s body and asked him regarding the condition of the youngster. He said, “Before the youngster died, he gave me a letter and bequeathed that it be placed in his kafan. According to his
bequest, I placed the letter in his kafan.”

Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه took the letter out of his pocket and showed it to him, asking him if this was the letter by any chance. He said, “By Allah! This is the same letter which I placed in his kafan.”
Witnessing this scene, another youngster stood up and requested Maalik bin Dinaar رحمة الله عليه to accept 200 000 dirhams from him in exchange for a similar house in Jannah, to which he replied, “That is now over. I cannot promise this to you now.”

Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat