When The Bandah Deals In Cash Regarding His Acts Of Obedience, Allah Does Not Respond With A Credit Reward

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When the bandah deals in cash regarding his acts of obedience, Allah does not respond with a credit reward, i.e. He does not delay the reward until Qiyaamah.

It is not the attitude of a generous person to extract work and delay payment of the wages. Thus, Kareem-e-Haqeeqi (The One Who is truly generous and munificent) – Jalle Shaanuhu – to a greater degree will not behave ungenerously. He does not delay compensation for the bandah’s deeds until Qiyaamah. He grants the reward for Taa-at (obedience) here in this world. The reward comprises of the sweetness the heart tastes in Ibaadat and Thikr, and the variety of secrets, mysteries and subtleties which He bestows. In comparison to this reward, the bandah regards the kingdom of the world as dust.

This immediate compensation is a very insignificant sample of the reward he will receive in the Aakhirah. The reality of the bestowals of the Aakhirah is beyond description.


Ikmaalush Shiyam