Accounting of Deeds …and …”Verily the Believer Will Face Retribution..”

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “No person will be able to move from his place on the day of judgement until the following four questions are not posed to him:

(1) How did he spend his life?

(2) How much did he practice on the masaa’il that he had knowledge of?

(3) From where did he acquire his wealth and where did he spend it? (4) In what did he utilise his body?”

In short, did he do all this according to the Shari’ah or according to the dictates of his desires.

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
“Verily the Believer will face retribution for his wrongdoings in this world in the form of ordeals, hardships, trials, and disasters until he reaches the Aakhirah with no wrongdoing left for him to account for.” (Mirqaat)