Husnul Khaatimah (A Good Ending) or Suu’-ul Khaatimah (A Bad Ending)
Husnul Khaatimah (A Good Ending)
Life in this world is of many types yet death is only two. Just as there is only Paradise and Hell, there is only a good ending and a bad one. A good ending is known as Husnul Khaatimah. We know that a person who dies with Husnul Khaatimah is reassured by the angels that good awaits him. He has died with faith in Islam and his good deeds will benefit him all the more.
Of course there are stories of those who, Insh Allah died with Husnul Khaatimah:
** A young man helped a stranded elderly couple repair their car, which had broken down on the freeway. His friends left him with them and continued on their way Makkah. The young man stayed with the couple until their car was fixed and then went to Makkah. When he arrived, he went to the Haram (mosque), he prayed, and stayed in sujood for a long time until finally his friends became worried. When they touched him he fell over. He had died in prostration.
** A young man was changing a tire and while doing so, his car was hit from behind which then hit him. He was severely injured and kept mumbling the entire time. The ambulance came to take him to hospital, the medic noticed his constant mumbling, and tried to hear what he was saying, as he leaned over to listen, he realized that the young man was reciting Qur’an.
Suu’-ul Khaatimah (A Bad Ending)
As for a bad ending – Suu-ul Khaatimah – there are a few causes:
1) Corrupt Beliefs
Even though this person may perform good deeds, may even renounce the world in piety, some of his beliefs are false. He is convinced that his belief’s are true and correct. It doesn’t cross his mind that he may be in error. This discovery is only made when Sakaraatul Mawt reaches him. And, though he may be upon the truth in some of his belief’s, his falsehood will delete him.
“Say: shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works.”
[Surah Al-Kahf 18:103-104]
Whether such beliefs are held due to one’s opinions or are taken from others, the person falls into this danger. His good deeds are of no benefit to him. Without correct belief, which is based upon the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, nothing will benefit him.
2) Persistence in Acts of Disobedience
The person who persists in sin will accustom his heart to sinful acts. They will become natural to him. All such deeds that become typical aspects of our lives will come to us at the time of death. If we are accustomed to righteousness and obedience and the doing of good deeds, it will be in this frame of mind that we die. And, if we have accustomed ourselves to a life of sin or persisted in certain sinful acts, these acts will fill our minds at death. If this occurs, if these acts of disobedience overcome our thoughts due to the active role they played in our lives, we will end our lives with Suu-ul Khaatimah.
We know from the Sunnah that a person should be encouraged to say La illaaha illaallah when he is dying, but some of us will be unable to say this due to such acts of disobedience that preoccupied us in our lives.
A few examples are:
** A person who was very fond of alcohol was dying. He was encouraged to say La illaaha illaallah, but all he could say was: “Pour another glass for me.”
** Two young men were driving around the city listening to music. They were in a very bad accident. One of them escaped with little harm, while the other one was badly hurt. When the friend who was not hurt realized that his friend was dying he encouraged him to say: La illaaha illallaah, all he could do was to sing the verses of the song he had been listening to in the car.
3) Deviation From The Straight Path
He who possesses correct belief and is upon the straight path, but then leaves it will cause himself Suu-ul Khaatimah. Man may know the truth and live in accordance with it for some time. Yet he follows Shaytan when he commands him to reject faith.
“Like the Shaytan when he says to man: “Disbelieve!” But when man disbelieves, Shaytan says: “I am free of you, I do fear Allah, Lord of the Worlds.” The end of both will be that they will go into the fire, dwelling therein forever. Such is the reward of the Unjust and the Wrongdoers.”
[Surah Al-Hashr 59:17]
4) Deterioration of Faith
Deterioration of faith begins in this way. A Muslim feels himself sufficient in his knowledge and fails to see his weaknesses. Slowly he loses even the knowledge that he has because he fails to put it into practice. He neglects the Sunnah and perhaps feels the spiritual path of faith is sufficient for him. Practical affairs, for which we take guidance from the Sunnah, such as; how to eat and sleep, how to pay Zakat, become unimportant to him. Though spiritual worship is rewarded, often the practical deeds are of more benefit to a Muslim in life and may even be of greater reward.
For example: Scholars are of the opinion that recitation of the Qur’an is rewarded, although seeking knowledge is of greater reward. Recitation without knowledge and practical application is fruitless.
“The similitude of those who were entrusted with the Taurat (torah), but who subsequently failed in those (obligations) is that of a donkey which carries books (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of a people who falsify the signs of Allah; And Allah guides not those who do wrong.”
[Surah Al-Jumu’ah 62:5]
5) Weakness in Faith
Faith to many people is a matter of the heart, an inner belief. However, Islamic faith is much more.
The definition of faith in Islam is: A belief in the heart supported by words from the tongue and actions of the body. Faith in Islam cannot simply be an inner belief, nor words from the tongue, it must be backed up by deeds. This is where many Muslims fail in faith.
You cannot simply hope for Paradise, you must work for it. We must consequently pass many trials and tests in order to obtain it. If our actions do not convey what we carry in our hearts and voice from our mouths, our faith is weak, and therefore deficient. Often times, such weaknesses in faith are caused by one’s love for Dunya, the worldly life. The love of Dunya can become excessive causing faith to become so weak that one lives for this world only, dreading death, as it represents the end of worldly life, that he loves so much. If Sakaraatul Mawt reaches him whilst in this state, he will find himself doubtful in faith and can end with Suu-ul Khaatimah.
Often we are impressed with people particularly non-Muslims, who are well mannered and of impeccable behaviour. Yet they posses little or no faith. Such people will have their deeds rejected by Allah and will be those with Suu-ul Khaatimah.
The manners and behaviour with which they impressed people so much in this life will be of no help to them when they face Allah. Muslims may die with Minor and Major Suu-ul Khaatimah.
Perhaps, they were believing practicing Muslims, but fell into innovation in religion. Some may have fallen into one of the sects, whose followers claim to be Muslim. Whether or not they fall into the minor or major category depends upon the seriousness of that which they involve themselves in. Of course the most serious is that which concerns one’s Aqeedah, definitely casting one into the Major Suu-ul Kaatimah.
An example is found in the Sufi’s. Some of their beliefs are Kufr, while others, though they are contrary to Islamic teachings, do not cast them out of the fold of Islam. Such things show all the more reason to seek Islamic knowledge so that we may avoid falling into such falsehood, thinking that we are on the right path.
“Say: ‘Shall We tell you of those who lose most in respect to their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought they were acquiring good by their works.”
[Surah Al-Kahf 18:103-104]
Those of the Minor category are those who have faith yet die upon sin. On the Day of Judgment, the Scale will weigh their deeds, good and bad. This will determine whether they are the people of Hell or the people of Paradise.
We Should All Ask Ourselves:
If I Die in the State I Am Today, Will I Die with;
Suu-ul Khaatimah Or Husnul Khaatimah???