A Buzrug once passed by a city. He found the gates of the city closed. On making enquiries he was informed that the falcon of the king had taken flight, hence to prevent the falcon escaping the king ordered the city gates to be closed.
The Buzrug mused to himself: “Why should the falcon leave via the gate? It will fly over the walls. The king is indeed a great moron.”
He said to Allah Ta’ala: “O Allah! You have granted kingdom to such a moron whilst an intelligent man such as me is deprived.”
It was revealed to him via Ilhaam: “We shall give your intelligence and your faqr (piety/poverty) to the king, and bestow his stupidity and kingdom to you. Are you pleased with this exchange?”
The Buzrug was alerted to his indiscretion. He profusely repented and said: “I can never tolerate it until Qiyaamah.”
Awake 1441