The Only ‘Friend’ after Death

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Sayyiduna Nu’maan bin Basheer (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Every person, whether male or female, has three friends. One friend says, ‘I am with you (now), whatever you wish to take from me, then you may take it, and whatever you wish to leave behind, then you may leave it behind.’ This friend refers to his wealth (some of which he benefits from during his lifetime, while leaving the rest behind after his demise). The second friend says, ‘I will remain with you, but when you reach the door of the king (i.e. when you pass away and meet Allah Ta‘ala), then I will leave you (at that point).’ This friend refers to his servants and family. The third friend says, ‘I will remain with you, in whichever place you enter and from whichever place you leave (i.e. I will remain with you forever, no matter where you are).’ This friend refers to his actions.” (Tabraani – Majma‘uz Zawaaid #17793)

In this hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) resembled a person’s wealth, friends and family and actions to three friends. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then explained that when a person passes away, he will have to leave behind his wealth, as well as his friends and family. It is ONLY his actions that will remain with him and accompany him on the next leg of the journey to the Hereafter.

Man, by nature, has some level of attachment to his wealth and his friends and family. However, these things are temporary. Many a time, a person loses them during his lifetime, and if not, then he will definitely part with them when he passes away. Thus, Allah Ta‘ala says in the Quraan Majeed, “That which is with you (i.e. wealth, family, etc.) will perish, while that which is with Allah Ta‘ala (your actions and their rewards) will remain.” (Surah Nahl v96)

We will enjoy our wealth, family and friends for a short period of time – perhaps 60-70 years only. Thereafter, our condition in the Hereafter – in the comfort of Jannah or the agony of Jahannam – will be determined by our actions. Hence, when life in this world is so fleeting and temporary, and life in the Hereafter is permanent, then we should never sacrifice our Aakhirah for the sake of wealth, friends or family. Rather, if there is ever a clash between pleasing Allah Ta‘ala and securing our Aakhirah, and pleasing our friends and family or acquiring wealth, then we must ensure that we please Allah Ta‘ala.

When we will be lowered into the darkness of the grave, and the sand will be sprinkled over us, that wealth, and those friends and family, for whom we broke the laws of Allah Ta‘ala, will not be there for us. They will turn away and leave us alone in the darkness, to face the consequences of our actions and life-choices.

May Allah Ta‘ala assist us to lead our lives according to His pleasure.

Source: UswatulMuslima