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Hadhrat Ahmad Bin Hawaari (rahmatullah alayh) narrates that his wife, Raabiah (rahmatullah alayha) said: “Once I visited my sister, Aatiq, and she said to me: ‘Have you understood Allah’s statement: “…Except the person who comes to Allah with a righteous heart (Qalb-e-Saleem).”? I confessed my ignorance in this regard. She said: “Qalb-e-Saleem is such a heart in which there resides nothing besides Allah Ta’ala.”

Hadhrat Ahmad Hawaari said: “I narrated this statement to Hadhrat Saleem Sulaimaan (rahmatullah alayh). He replied: “This is not the words of a raahibah (saintly woman). In fact, these are the words of the Ambiya.”

The view expressed by Hadhrat Aatiq is confirmed by the Hadith-e-Qudsi: “Nothing can contain Me, but the heart of the Mu’min.” While all the limbs of the body have functions for which they are utilized, the function of the Mu’min’s heart is only Thikrullaah (Remembrance of Allah). The remembrance of any alien object displaces the Remembrance of Allah Ta’ala from the heart which then cannot be classified as Qalb-eSaleem. Utilizing the heart for the remembrance of any object or any being other than Allah Ta’ala is ingratitude for the Ni’mat of the Heart.

In the aforementioned Qur’aanic aayat Allah Ta’ala mentions that on the Day of Qiyaamah nothing will benefit man except a morally and spiritually healthy heart. According to all the Mufassireen, only the heart of a Mu’min could be described as Qalb-e-Saleem. The fundamental basis for the health of the heart is Imaan. However, the spiritual health of the heart is corrupted with evil, sin and transgression.

It is only a morally reformed and spiritually elevated person who will have the capital of a Qalb-e-Saleem on the Day of Qiyaamah.