The Person Who Conceals Beneficial Knowledge Will Come On The Day Of Resurrection Bridled With A Bridle Of Fire’”
An ‛ālim was asked about a certain ruling but he did not give an answer. The questioner said to him: “Did you not hear Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam saying: ‘The person who conceals beneficial knowledge will come on the day of Resurrection bridled with a bridle of fire’?”
The ‛ālim replied: “Leave the bridle here and go. When a person of sound understanding comes to me and I still conceal knowledge from him, he may bridle me. Because Allāh ta‛ālā says: ‘Do not give your wealth to foolish people.’ In it is a warning that knowledge has more right to be safeguarded from a person who will spoil it and cause harm to it. The wrong in giving knowledge to someone who is not worthy of it is not any less than refusing to give it to the one who is worthy of it.”
Look at the beautiful reply given by this scholar: If I conceal knowledge from a man of sound understanding, then in the light of this Hadīth I will be eligible for that bridle of fire. As for you, you cannot even understand what I have to say. Of what benefit, then, is there in imparting it to you. In fact, imparting it to you will entail destroying knowledge and wronging it.
Glory to Allāh! He supported his statement with a verse of the Qur’ān. We are prohibited from handing over wealth to orphans until they are of sound understanding. Knowledge is more worthy of protection and preservation. The prohibition of giving it to unworthy people is therefore more emphasised.