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One day while Hadhrat Nabi Dawood (alayhis salaam) was reciting the Zaboor, it
crossed his mind that no one on earth engages more in ibaadat than himself. Allah Ta’ala
revealed to him: “O Dawood! Climb that mountain (which was indicated to him). You
will see there a peasant who has been engrossed in ibaadat for seven hundred years
seeking forgiveness for an act which was not sinful. Once while walking on the roof of
his home, he thought that some sand from the roof had fallen on his mother who was
underneath. He is a greater worshipper than you. Now go and give him the glad tidings of
forgiveness from Me.”

Nabi Dawood (alayhis salaam) climbed the mountain. He found a man as thin as a rake
engrossed in Salaat. Nabi Dawood (alayhis salaam) made Salaam. The man responded
with Salaam, and asked: “Who are you?” Nabi Dawood (alayhis salaam) said: “I am
Dawood.” The man said: “I had walked on the roof and some sand fell on my mother
who was under the roof. I therefore, sought refuge on this mountain seeking forgiveness
for my sin. I have been here for seven hundred years. I do not know if my mother is angry
with me or pleased. I therefore constantly seek forgiveness for perhaps she is displeased
with me. I worship here hoping that my Rabb will be pleased with me and also my
mother becomes pleased with me. I have devoted myself to achieve this goal for seven
hundred years. I have neither time to eat or drink for the fear of Allah’s punishment
overtaking me. Now leave me and go away.”

Nabi Dawood (alayhis salaam) said: “Verily, Allah has sent me to inform you that He
has forgiven you, and that your mother was not under the roof on that occasion nor did
any sand fall on her. She departed from this world pleased with you.” When he heard
this, he exclaimed: “By Allah! Now I do not have any desire to live.” He went into
Sajdah, and supplicated: “O my Rabb! Take me unto You.” As he supplicated, his soul
departed that very moment from his earthly body.