The Scarves of Paradise
When Hadrat Sa‛d ibn Mu‛ādh radiyallāhu ‛anhu passed away, the Sahābah radiyallāhu ‛anhum were present. They were all sad. Just then an amount booty arrived. It contained some very expensive garments.
The Sahābah radiyallāhu ‛anhum began looking at those garments. They were generally poor and could not afford garments of this quality. They began touching the garments and admiring them. When Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam saw this and perceived that they are showing more importance to the garments and their hearts are becoming inclined towards this world, he turned their focus immediately and said:
“I take an oath in the name of the Being in whose control is the life of Muhammad. The scarves of Sa‛d ibn Mu‛ādh in Paradise are much better than this.”