The wisdom and mystery of the operations and decrees of Allah Ta’ala are unfathomable. While Allah Ta’ala has harnessed the Yahood to punish the villainous, treacherous Muslims, He (Allah Ta’ala) at the same time is punishing the Yahood in another way.
Israel is a nation of morally and psychologically deranged people. The population has drastically increased its use of drugs. In the aftermath of their brutality the Yahood are becoming incrementally deranged in their brains and diseased in their hearts. The Yahoodi report below speaks volumes for the deplorable moral and mental state of the Israeli Yahood.
Despite the massive brutal genocide perpetrated by the Yahood from the air, despite the destruction to Palestine, despite the starvation and suffering, despite hundreds of thousands of Muslims having been rendered homeless, they do not suffer from the malady of mental derangement. The depression and anxiety with which the Yahood are being punished in this first phase of their ruin and destruction, are not being experienced by the Muslims of Palestine.
As Mental Health System in Israel Faces Collapse, Scores of Psychiatrists Are Leaving for Britain
Sources attribute the brain drain to the growing workload and sense that the situation will only worsen, as a Health Ministry plan to fix the system still awaits funding approval from the treasury
The consequences of hardship, calamity and punishment differ for Muslims and Kuffaar. Depression leads to numerous suicide among the kuffaar. This consequence is absent from Muslim society. Even in their darkest moments of misery, sinful and evil Muslims turn to Allah Ta’ala for succour while the kuffaar have nothing to focus on. Thus, their depression and mental derangement culminate in even suicide.
Muslims have the solace of Taubah and Hope in the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala. Thus, they are spiritually sustained. This spiritual sustenance precludes depression experienced by the followers of the Devil.
“Say (O Muhammad)! to My servants who have oppressed themselves (with sin and transgression): ‘Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah, for verily, He forgives all sins.” Verily, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Qur’aan).
Use of Anti-anxiety Medicine Soars amongst Israelis
(Haaretz report 27 November)
The use of prescription drugs to treat depression and trauma has soared in the month after the Gaza war started, Israel’s health maintenance organizations report.
Clalit Health Services, the HMO that treats more than half of all Israelis and 80 percent of those living in the war-torn north and south, said the number of prescriptions it made to treat those conditions grew 11 percent between September and October.
The increase was reflected in prescriptions issued for a variety of psychiatric drugs and tranquilizers, including antidepressants and antianxiety drugs from the SSRI family (Cipralex, Lustral, Prozac and the like), as well as drugs from the benzodiazepine family (such as Xanax, Kolonopin, Loriven, etc.).
According to the HMOs, most of the new cases being prescribed drugs for short-term use, mainly for reducing anxiety, and not necessarily as a long term solution.
Meanwhile, purchases have risen at pharmacies for over-the-counter preparations and nutritional supplements, some of which are based on natural substances, for relaxation and stress reduction.
Maccabi Health Services, an HMO that insures some 2.6 million Israelis, said the number of prescriptions it was making for anti-depressants and trauma and tranquilizers had risen 20 percent in the first months of the war.
Meanwhile, many Israelis are opting for less drastic alternatives. Data from the Maccabi Pharm chain showed in October an increase in the hundreds of percent in the sales of over-the-counter pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements to calm stress and anxiety.
The month saw an average jump of about 90 percent in sales of drugs used to calm down and induce sleep such as Nerven, Relaxin, Valerian Tincture and Calmanervin, compared with June-August.
Supplements said to have a calming effect, such as Rescue Remedy and Regyon, saw a 230 percent jump in sales in October, compared with June -August.
“These days, many Israelis are looking for a quick solution to help to reduce stress and anxiety,” says Sara Gavish, chief pharmacist at the chain. “Many talk about the great difficulty they have in falling and staying asleep because of the situation.”
“We’ve seen a 10 percent to 15 percent increase in prescription drugs for anxiety and to treat sleep difficulties in new users, alongside an increase in the stockpiling of drugs by existing chronic patients,” says David Papo, chairman of the Israel Pharmacists Association.
“In addition, there’s been a big rise in demand for non-prescription drugs and nutritional supplements for treating anxiety and sleeplessness.”
He says the most common complaint is sleeping difficulties. “Everyone is experiencing it now. It’s not only due to the security or general situation. People sit for hours in front of the television, sometimes until late at night, and walk around less outside during the day. That affects the biological clock and sleep,” says Papo.
The Israeli army has eased the criteria for getting medicines for soldiers in civilian pharmacies. “In principle, soldiers receive medicines and preparations at army pharmacies, but there are 35 civilian pharmacies that work with the army. Normally, getting meds from a civilian pharmacy requires a dedicated referral, but now it’s enough to present a prescription,” says Papo.
Israelis experiencing broken heart syndrome
The Israeli Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera reports a significant increase in women in their 50s coming to the emergency room with heart attack symptoms. In most cases, the symptoms are caused by the stress these women are experience because of having sons or daughters serving in the military during the war.
“This is the first time we have more women than men in our cardiac intensive care unit,” Prof. Ariel Rogin, head of the hospital’s cardiac division, told Doctors Only, an online publication for the Israeli medical community.
In some cases, the women are undergoing actual heart attacks or have some sort of arterial blockage. However, many are suffering from Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which is also known as “broken heart syndrome.” This occurs when severe psychological stress raises adrenaline levels and causes the functioning of the heart muscle to slow down temporarily.
Palestine Information Network
(End of report)