Perfect Taqwā & Perfect Balance Between Love and Respect – Unique Qualities of Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله
Perfect Taqwā
With great determination he would try to abstain from the abominable and doubtful practices, whilst adhering to Shar‛ī Fatāwā.
A principal of an Islamic school brought some mangos as a gift for Maulānā Maseehullah. On enquiry as to where they had come from, the principal explained that they were from a mango tree in the grounds of the school. Hadrat Maseehullah rahimahullāh gently remarked that it would not be permissible for the principal to give the mangos as they did not belong to him. Hadrat rahimahullāh then gave some money as payment for the mangos and requested that the sum be deposited into the school fund so that he could keep the mangos – much to the delight of the principal!
Hadrat Maseehullah rahimahullāh was extremely particular about hijāb/purdah, such that even if an elderly lady would want some help from him he would either deal with her via the male attendant or from behind the curtain.
Munshī Mushtāq Ahmad Khān Sāhib narrates that one year when the final accounts of the Madrasah were tallied, it appeared as if the income was in excess of the expenditure by 5 000 rupees. However, this excess amount was not present in the fund.
Hadrat Masīh al-Ummah rahimahullāh immediately gave 5 000 rupees to the Madrasah from his own side. On checking the accounts more thoroughly, it transpired that the books were balanced and there had been an error in the earlier calculation. Maulānā Maseehullah Sāhib was requested to take back the amount. Hadrat rahimahullāh was not prepared to take back what he had happily given for the sake of Allāh ta‛ālā. Munshī Sāhib says that this was at a time when things were cheap and 5 000 rupees was regarded as a substantial amount of money.
Public Acceptance and Love
Allāh ta‛ālā had granted Hadrat Maseehullah rahimahullāh such acceptance and love in the hearts of His creation that young and old, Muslims and non–Muslims were involuntarily attracted to him.
Once on a visit to the United Kingdom, Hadrat Maseehullah rahimahullāh was travelling by car in Batley, Yorkshire. The driver stopped the car to give way to a contingent of horse-mounted policemen. All the horses abruptly halted to a stand still in the middle of the busy road when they came adjacent to the car in which Hadrat rahimahullāh was a passenger. Despite vigorous attempts by the policemen the horses would not budge at all, causing chaos with a build up of traffic on the road.
Hadrat rahimahullāh remarked: “The horses will not move!” and requested the driver to drive on. As soon as the car started to move, all the horses in unison lifted their fore legs, standing only on the hind legs and “saluted” Hadrat’s car.
Hadrat rahimahullāh calmly commented: “Even an animal like a horse, one of Allāh’s creation, senses that a Muslim is passing on the road (and takes the opportunity to show its love).”
Even on a journey (where he was not known to people), he would soon become the topic of conversation and people would crowd around him offering their greetings. Once during a stop at Rohri Railway Station (in Pakistan), a man witnessing a similar scene asked someone next to him: “Who is this person whom so many people are following?” The other replied: “This is a pious man who inspires the hearts of people!”
Source: Discourses of Allah Consciousness -Biography of Masīh al-Ummah rahimahullāh