The Ibaadat of Taraweeh Namaaz – Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi رحمه الله
The Ibaadat of Taraweeh Namaaz
One Ibaadat is Namaaz and another, Tilaawat of the Qur’aan. Supplemented to these two is a new Namaaz which has been declared Sunnat. Other forms of Ibaadat could also have been advanced [for engagement in the Blessed Month of Ramadhaan]. Advancing Namaaz over the rest teaches us that it has a special relationship with Ramadhaan which no other Ibaadat enjoys. This Namaaz is called Taraweeh.
Reading Taraweeh Namaaz is also extremely necessary because it is proven from documental sources that it is encouraged, decreed, practised, desired, intended and praised from the practice of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and furthermore from the persistence of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum). For this reason the Muhaqqiqeen [Expert Scholars] have written that it is Sunnat-e-Mu-akkadah [a strongly emphasised traditional practice].
Although it is documented that after three nights Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) did not emerge for Taraweeh saying: “I feared that it would have been made Farz upon you,” we learn from this that had there been no fear of a Fardh declaration, he would have resolved to emerge [for Taraweeh Namaaz]. A resolution is tantamount to an action. Thus, in view of his resolution the emphasis on Taraweeh is further substantiated, just as it is substantiated by practice. This is one explanation of it being Sunnat-e-Mu-akkadah, and considering its keynote it is a new explanation.
The popular explanation of it [being Sunnat-e-Mu-akkadah] is that there are two types of regular practices; one, actual and the second, in effect. Actual regular practice is the perceivable constancy of an act. Examples are the Sunnats of Zuhr, the Sunnats of Fajr.
Regular practice in effect is when an act is rendered in a manner which shows that its permanency is desired. Accordingly, Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) emerged for two, three nights and thereafter he never. Thereupon he said to the Sahaabah: “I was aware of everyone’s presence. However, I never came lest it becomes Fardh on you. In that case, if you do not carry it out, you will become sinful.”
This does not mean that we have leeway, i.e. “It is not Faradh, so why must we go through the trouble of staying awake and tiring ourselves?” On the contrary, it means that one will be sinful, albeit not on par to the omission of a Fardh
Source: The Essence of Taraweeh – Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi رحمه الله
Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng