Advices at the time of Sehri by Hazrat Ml Abdul Hamid Ishaq Saheb Dāmat Barakātuhum
Advices at the time of Sehri by Hazrat Ml Abdul Hamid Ishaq Saheb Dāmat Barakātuhum
We will pass away in one of 3 states:
– In a state of Kufr
– As a Believer but with sins
– As a Believer who made Tauba from sins
The choice is ours!
Every action of ours will determine how we will leave this world.
We make every effort to cure the diseases of the body, but are not even aware of the diseases of the Ruh (Soul).
The value of the Ruh can be understood by noticing that so long as the Ruh is in the body, doctors, nurses etc will make every effort to keep the body going,but as soon as the Ruh is gone then all efforts for the body stop.
We are made up of a body and Ruh (Soul),we have to take care of both,
but the Ruh is the more important one.
In these days and whenever we are faced with problems, resort to Durood and Istighfaar.
Durood Sharief pulls the Rahmah of Allah in torrents.
We have to remember that all conditions are from Allah
Allah’s name is so valuable that Allah will keep this entire universe running so long as there is a single person to take Allah’s name.
May ALLAH ﷻ give us the understanding of what we read and practice upon it آمــــــــــين