The Ability to Take the Name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is a Great Blessing
The gatherings of Zikrullah, in which the Name of Allah is taken and conducted solely for the pleasure of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala, are a source of one’s spiritual elevation and a key which opens the doors of Ma’arifat (recognition) of Allah Ta’ala. Angels throng such significant gatherings and Allah Ta’ala’s special Mercy and Sakeenah (tranquility) descends upon those engaged in praising HIM.
A person approached Hazrat Haaji Imdaadullah Rahmatullah Alayh and complained that despite engaging in Zikrullah, he senses no faa’idah (benefit) in it. He had expectations of the heart being illuminated with the radiance of Zikr after making Zikrullah and felt he was not benefiting spiritually. Hazrat Haaji Imdaadullah Rahmatullah Alayh immediately replied to him : The mere fact that you are given the opportunity to take the Mubaruk name of Allah is a great Ni’mat (blessing) from Allah.
None of us have the Qudrat (strength and power) to obey Allah Ta’ala, except with Allah’s Mercy upon us. Similarly, none of us have the ability to take the name of Allah Ta’ala with these very same tongues that speak lies, cheat and utter vulgarities, without Him giving us the opportunity and capability to do so! Allah Ta’ala continuously gives us the Taufeeq (ability) to take His Glorious and Majestic name …. this itself is a great benefit and blessing.
Hazrat Haaji Imdaadullah Rahmatullah Alayh further explained : If a person goes to the house of a high ranking personality and his presence is unwanted, then he will be harshly removed. But … if the prominent person is happy with him coming there, he will welcome him in a kind manner and will perhaps even extend his invitation to visit again.
Likewise, when a person comes to the house of Allah Ta’ala and he gets the opportunity of returning again, or when a person performs Salaah and he gets the opportunity of standing before Allah Ta’ala again, or when a person engages in the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala and he gets the opportunity of remembering Allah Ta’ala again …. then, this is a sign that Allah Ta’ala loves the person and has given him another chance, as though He has invited the person (in His presence) again.
So, being able to do the Itaa’at (obedience) of Allah Ta’ala continuously, is a gateway to His love and a great Ni’mat (bounty) upon us.