Ilm and the Imperative Need For Amal – Imam Ghazali رحمه الله

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Son! Offering naseehat is simple; the problem is its acceptance, for it is bitter in the palates of those who follow their vain desires. This is so because manaahi (forbidden acts) are captivating to hearts. Accepting naseehat is particularly difficult on a student going through the motions in his course whilst being lost in vanity and the wonders of the world. He labours under the impression that the abstract knowledge he possesses will be his redemption and salvation, and that he is not in need of action. This is the belief of the philosophers. Subhaanallahil Atheem! This person, trapped in delusion, is unaware that studying Ilm without putting it into action makes the case against him stronger. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “On the Day of Qiyaamah the Aalim who did not make amal on his knowledge will be punished the severest.”

It is reported that Junaid Baghdaadi (qaddasallahu sirrahu) was seen in a dream after his death. He was asked: “What news do you have, O Abul Qaasim?” Hadhrat Junaid replied: “Those words (of knowledge) have vanished, those subtle points have perished, and only the two dear Raka’ats which we would offer in the middle of the night were of benefit to us.”

Son! Do not be bankrupt in deeds and empty of its seeds – spiritual excellences. Rest assured that abstract knowledge cannot be held with the hand. For example, a man is in the wilderness. He has ten lethal swords together with other weapons and he is brave and bellicose. A huge and ferocious lion attacks him. Now what is your opinion? Do you think that his weapons will ward off the danger without him using them and putting them into action? Off course the weapons cannot ward off the danger without being wielded and put into motion. Similarly, if a person reads and learns a hundred masaa’il but does not practically apply them the masaa’il will not benefit him. Their benefit is in applying them practically.

(A glaring example is of one who earns money in abundance but spends nothing of it. All the money he has is of no benefit to him, until he utilizes it for his needs. –Translator)

If you study for a hundred years and collect a thousand kitaabs, still you will not be qualified for the Rahmat of Allah unless you practise.

“Verily for those who have Imaan and practised righteous deeds is the Garden of Firdaus wherein they will dwell for ever. They will not desire to move from there.” (Surah Kahf, Aayats 107/8)

“They were followed by such errant ones who ruined the institution of Salaat and pursued their sensual desires. Soon they will taste the disastrous consequences, besides those who repented and carried out good deeds, for they will enter Jannat and they will not be oppressed in the least.” (Surah Maryam, Aayats 56/60)


Source: Priceless Naseehat – Imam Ghazali for a Dedicated Pupil and Disciple”