Qillat-e-Ta’aam (Reducing Food)
Allah Ta’ala states:
“Eat and drink, but do not waste. Verily Allah does not love those who transgress the limits.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Tasbeeh and Taqdees which are sufficient for those of the heaven will suffice for them (people) too.” (Mishkaat)
This Hadith means that like Tasbeeh (reciting the Glories of Allah) and Taqdees (reciting the Holiness of Allah) are sufficient for the Malaa-ikah (Angels) in the heavens, so will it suffice as nourishment for Muslims. It is narrated that certain saints remained without food for long periods in solitude engaged in Tasbeeh and Taqdees. It is clear from this Hadith that at times Zikr and Tasbeeh are sufficient as nourishment.
However, it is not possible to adhere to the methods of food reduction practised in former times. The people of those days were endowed with great physical strength and despite the great reduction in food they suffered no ill effects and maintained their full concentration in their Ibaadat activities. Their physical strength could be gauged from the type of spiritual exercises (Ashghaal) which they practised.
Some of their Ashghaal were of such a severe nature that if anyone attempts to practice them today, he will find his back breaking. Such an example is Salaat-e-Ma’koos which consists of suspending oneself upside down and in this inverted manner carry out some Shaghl (singular of Ashghaal).
(To be continued, Insha Allah)