The Call of the Qur’an

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Qur’an Ki Puqar

The Call of the Qur’an


So much progress has taken place in the world today;

Other sects have gained even more from me!

Those for whose sake I am here, are away from me;

Others have gained everything after getting me recited!

Many Muslims only kiss me and then wrap me in the pieces of cloth;

They also hide me in a velvety container!

Leave aside kissing me, there are many Muslims who do not even physically touch me (the Mus’haf / the Kitaab);

Without any reason they only recite me from their mobile phones, which may consist of worldly trash!

Then there are many who do not recite me and neither do they follow my commands after listening to me;

Due to worldly love, they just tend to forget me!

To be saved from difficulties and troubles;

They convert me into a neck amulet (Ta’weez)!

To be cured from all types of ailments;

They recite me and then blow their breaths in water and make others drink that water!

After fitting me to golden and silver frames;

In the walls of their rooms, they adorn me!

To get rid of the magic, witchcraft and spell from their homes;

They also get me recited once in their homes!

On the walls of the Masaajid, their shops and their homes;

Wherever they wish they get me engraved there!

I gain higher esteem with them only in one month;

As soon as Ramadhan is over they forget me!

For their children, wealth and reputation;

They themselves do not recite me but get me recited by others!

Oh Muslims! While you keep offering your Salah recite me too;

After reciting me, obey my commands too!

I am for you and you are for me;

Why are you then keeping away from me for this world’s sake?

Leave aside this world, I will make your hereafter too!

Keep on reciting me and I will even make you meet your Lord


Allah (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and His Rasool (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) are compassionate!

To the one who recites, and makes others recite, the Qur’an.

Oh Lord, make this favour on our descendants;

Never let them be negligent in your remembrance (Zikr)!


Source: Maqsad E Zindagi