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Being an Ameen – Deen on Loan – Part 2

What does it mean to be true to this Amaanat?

Let us take one blessing at a time. First lesson is that Allah  سبحانه وتعالى will reduce somethings over time.

1. Eyesight:

Let’s take eyesight as a person gets older they may get a cataract,  their eyes may fade, they may get a higher and higher prescription glasses but when they die their eyesight is taken back.

Amaanat returns to Allah سبحانه وتعالى

On the Day of Judgment Amanat is examined by Allah سبحانه وتعالى.

Allah سبحانه وتعالى will see how did the person use their eye.

Remember that Amanat is to use the bounties and blessings of Allah swt according to the will and wish of Allah and not to use them according to our will and wish if it was against the will and wish of Allah swt. This person will be examined and Allah swt will make him stand infront of him and ask him how did you use this Amanat. Let us check and examine in this book of deeds how you used this Amanat

…and if He سبحانه وتعالى finds that this person used their eyes to stare at the ghair mehrams, used their eyes to look at things that they were not allowed to look at, Allah سبحانه وتعالى will say you are not worthy of this Amanah.

Just like a man who sometimes gives his son something to do or a businessman gives his son small share of business and says let’s see how you run it and if he messes it up he takes it back saying you weren’t worthy of this.

-> So, Allah Ta’ala will say you aren’t worthy of seeing so you won’t be allowed to see Me in Jannah; you aren’t worthy of seeing so you won’t be allowed to see Syeddina Rasoolullah saw in Jannah.

->Your eye will have to go to Jahannam and get purified and cleansed because this eye that you’ve brought to me you did khiyanah in this Amanat. You are not worthy of getting your sight back.


There will be darkness over this person but the believers, they will have a light around them on the day of Judgment. The disbelievers and the hypocrites will call to the people of iman and will ask them that they want some light from them.

يَوْمَ يَقُولُ الْمُنَافِقُونَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتُ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا انظُرُونَا نَقْتَبِسْ مِن نُّورِكُمْ قِيلَ ارْجِعُوا وَرَاءكُمْ فَالْتَمِسُوا نُورًا

When the Male Hypocrites and the Female Hypocrites will say to those who have Imaan, look at us also.

Look at us cast a glance on us, notice us on this world , we who didn’t bother notice you and your deen on earth ,on Day of Judgment take notice of us. Give us some of the light that you have, the light you are able to use , the light you are able to see with. It will be said to them :  You should go back, back to where you came, You should try to get the light from there. This was the light that was gotten from this world, If you aren’t able to get the light from this world you will not be able to have the light on the Day of Judgment.

Then when this person goes into Jahannam there is no light in Jahannam and we understood this in science that the hotter the flame the darker the color. You will notice this in your stoves that the blue flame is more hotter than the orange & yellow flame. So, though we don’t have it on earth the flame of Jahannam will be so dark that it will be black. It will be pure heat therefore the fire of Jahannum will be pure black. So when they are in that fire of Jahannum which is pure black it will be pitch black. They wont be even able to see because they didn’t use this amanat properly.

2. Hearing

In the world , Allah swt gave them the blessing of hearing, another amanat. On the Day of Judgment he will be asked how did he used this blessing. He will say I used this blessing to listen to all types of lyrics, hiphop and rap; all types of foul, filth, nonsense, junk & trash, I used my ears for that. I used my ears to listen to lies, backbiting and slander.

At the time of death when hearing will be taken away from him and Allah swt will raise him on the Day of Judgment and say:

وَنَحْشُرُهُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عَلَى وُجُوهِهِمْ عُمْيًا وَبُكْمًا وَصُمًّا


We will gather them on the Day of Judgment and they will come to Allah swt as if they are blind, deaf & dumb.

  It means that the eyesight is taken back, the hearing is taken back. The blessing is taken back, the amanat is taken back. You weren’t worthy of this amanat. It’s the ultimate level, the kuffar weren’t worthy of this amanat.

They will never get their sight back, they will never get their hearing back.

2. Eating

Another blessing that Allah swt gave is the blessing of being able to eat. If a person did not use to distinguish between halal and haram on this earth. They said: ‘’Just read Bismillah over it and it will be fine brother, what are you worried about brother.”

Whereas Allah swt said in Quran

حَلاَلاً طَيِّباً


halal and tayyab. He didn’t get tayyab, he didn’t even care about halal, he ate whatever he wanted to eat without looking what Allah swt wanted him to eat. Or if it is found that he ate from haram money i.e. he took interest, bribes or he he engaged in fraudulent business dealings or he engaged in false advertising and marketing of his product. He tricked people into thinking that he was selling a higher quality than it actually was and he excused it in the name of marketing, not that all marketing and advertising is like this but some marketing and advertising is definitely like this. It is designed to give you an inflated, exaggerated i.e. false impression of the product to convince the consumer to buy it. He did that as a job maybe. Maybe he was in marketing and sales for a company and the company made him use false tactic for that marketing & sales and that how he earned his salary. So he earned haram money and he ate food from that. When he did that now his ability to eat will be taken away from him and now when it found he didn’t use it in a halal way, Allah swt mentions the ultimate punishment for this in Quran Karim .

إِنَّ شَجَرَةَ الزَّقُّومِ


طَعَامُ الْأَثِيمِ


That this tree that is called zaqoom in Arabic language it is called the food of the sinner.

Atheem means super sinner.

Itham and Zann are two words for sin in Arabic language like illm means knowledge, Alim is a person who has knowledge and Aleem means a Super Scholar. Just like Aleem is a super scholar Atheem is a super sinner; regularly and consistently sinning.

Ta’aam-ul-Atheem( food of the super sinner)  doesn’t say  Ta’aam-ul-kaafir(food of the kafir)

This will be given to the person who regularly sinned, regularly ate haram or regularly ate from the haram, he will be given food from this plant of Zaqoom.

– > The Mufassirin write that this plant of Zaqoom has so many thorns in it, that when this person is forced to eat it as his punishment in Jahannam, the thorns will rupture the thorn and he will still be made to eat it more and more.

– > It is so bitter that when you taste it in the morning its bitterness lasts all the way to the night. When you taste it in night its bitterness lasts all the way till the morning. When he eats it the thorns will get stuck in his throat, he will not be able to swallow it nor will he be able to spit it out. It’d be like choking on it.

– > Then,e he will ask for water, something to drink.

What will he get to drink?

Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran he will get to drink Ghisleen. 

 What is Ghisleen?

The Mufassirin wrote that it is the collection of all Pus and blood that is melted away from the people of Jahannam when they are burning away in the fire of Jahannam. Allahuakbar Kabira!

Allahumma Ajirna Minanaar. Ajeeb.  This is the Jaza i.e. the recompense and punishment of the sinner.

3. Libaas

In this world Allah Ta’ala gave us the blessing of Libaas i.e. being able to clothe ourselves, gave us dignity and wealth so that we can buy apparel and clothing.

That man or woman when they pass away in this world and brought to Allah swt without clothing initially, then they will be asked about this blessing-How did you use it?

-> And if it turns out that they use to unclothe themselves in improper ways. They use to unclothe themselves in front of unlawful people, they use to unclothe themselves and do unlawful things.

-> Then they weren’t true to this amanat of libaas. 

What would happen to this person on the day of Judgment? 

That person will be given a uniform, a new libaas which is made of sulphur you can say with a foul stench.

-> The Mufassirin have written that it is such a foul smelling clothing that imagine if every single creature on this earth were to die, all humans, birds, fish, cattle, everything were to die and all of their corpses were left to rot and decompose and the smell that would come from that, that is the type of smell of the libaas that they’d be given. Allahuakbar kabira!

-> They misused the blessing of Allah Ta’ala, were untrue to the Amanat of Allah Ta’ala in this world.

4. Housing

In this world Allah Ta’ala gave us a blessing of a home, of a house, of a roof over our head, of a place where we were safe, but we didn’t, but weren’t true to that blessing.

-> Instead of making our homes a place of illm and taqwa we stayed in our homes with gatherings that were against the Deen. Gatherings that were against the Shariah. Instead of bringing those who’d call towards Allah Ta’ala in our homes, we brought technologies in our home that brought us towards Ghairullah.

We brought a TV, Cable, Satellite Dish right into our home. We sat there with our wives and kids and watched those things. We maybe felt embarrassed of the first one or two ads that came up and after that we were numb, we were desensitized, we no longer even felt embarrassed in front of our 8 year old daughter. That what we did in our home. That’s how we treated the Amaanat in our home.

-> So then when Allah Ta’ala will make that person die they will lose that blessing i.e. their home.

Then when they will come to Allah on the day of Judgment,

what type of home will they get in Jahannum?

Allah Ta’ala mentions in Quran

ضَيِّقًا مُقَرَّنِينَ دَعَوْا هُنَالِكَ ثُبُورًا


Its tight ,its constricted and narrow and then they will ask Allah Ta’ala for death.It says in Quran that the place will be so tight, so constricted and so narrow  that they will pray to Allah Ta’ala for death , it’s better to die than live in such a place.

What will be said to them?

In the Quran it says

لَا تَدْعُوا الْيَوْمَ ثُبُورًا وَاحِدًا وَادْعُوا ثُبُورًا كَثِيرًا


That on this day you should not ask Allah for one destruction (death) but you should ask for multiple destruction’s (deaths).

Allahuakbar Kabira!

Can you imagine having that said to you by Allah Ta’ala? Can you imagine hearing that sentence from Allah Ta’ala? In Urdu: Aik maut nahee mango, kai saree mautein maangein! 

Alamaan Alhafeez, Allahumma Ajirna Minnanaar!

5. Lustful Passion

Allah Ta’ala gave a blessing in this world of lustful passion to be used according to His will and wish. This person took this blessing and he didn’t use it according to the will and wish of Allah Ta’ala.

He did Khiyanah in this Amaanah.He used it in a perverse way, in a vulgar way, in an unlawful way, in a shameful way and on top of that he was remorseless about it, unrepentant about it. Allahuakbar Kabira.

So when he dies this ability will be taken away from him.

In a hadith it comes that punishment for the Zani and Zania ( and it has many meanings) is that there will be scorpions that will climb over the entire body and they will simultaneously sting them as a punishment of that pleasure, the thrill of it that he felt in every pore of his body so the punishment will be that he will feel pain in every single pore of his body.

Allahuakbar Kabira!