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Nowadays there is a great calamity — while there is indifference towards effort and struggle, the desire is to obtain the results and fruits of effort. Is the taufeeq of engagement in the effort an insignificant result? A person complained to Hadhrat Haaji Imdaadullah (rahmatullah alayh): “I engage in thikr, but do not discern any benefit.” Hadhrat said: “Is your engagement in thikr an insignificant benefit?” A person said to me: “I do not derive pleasure in thikr.” I said: “What pleasure do you expect in thikr? Where are you searching for pleasure?” People understand such issues as the goal when in reality these things are not the goal. This attitude is proof for a person’s unawareness of the Path. People have become total strangers of this Path. Leave alone the poor masses. Even the Ulama are trapped in such misconceptions.

True peace is not attainable without Thikrullaah. I can take an oath and say that no one enjoys the peace of the Ahlullaah although it may appear that there is no difference between them and others in relation to physical difficulties and hardships. Notwithstanding the physical difficulties and discomforts, their hearts are at peace on account of their engrossment with Thikrullaah. “Hark! With the Thikr of Allah to hearts find peace.”—Qur’aan

Be constant in dhikr even if the heart and mind is not present and there is no enjoyment. In due course the dhikr will develop into such a habit, there will be no repose without it. For example, initially when a person smokes a huqqa (smoking pipe), he experiences giddiness, nausea and vomiting. By regularly smoking, this condition changes and now he cannot do without it, so much so that even if he doesn’t have food, he must have a few drags on the huqqa.

On another occasion Hadrat said (on the same subject):

Although not felt, benefit (from dhikr) is achieved from the very beginning. A child grows daily, but it can never be determined how much the child has grown for a particular day. One can gauge the growth of the child only after a considerable amount of time has passed by comparing his present condition to the previous. A major difference will be noted. In the same way, dhikr, in the initial stages seems to be devoid of benefit, but actually he is receiving benefit all the time (without realizing it).

Once Hadrat said:

Drops of water continuously fall on a stone resulting in eventually a hole being formed. Can it be said that the last drop formed the hole on the stone? Never! The first drop was just as effective as the last drop in forming the hole. Never consider the first drop to be useless. In the same way, the first day’s dhikr that one considered to be without benefit is undoubtedly beneficial! The special (spiritual) condition that has been achieved is the result of the first dhikr just as the latter dhikrs.

Be constant in Thikr regardless of lack of spiritual enthusiasm. Gradually the thaakir will become so much addicted to Thikr that he will have no peace without it. The benefit of Thikr begins from the very first day although this is not perceived. After a considerable period of time, if the thaakir’s present state is compared with his previous condition, the difference will be discerned. In the beginning it appears that there is no benefit whilst in reality the benefit is constant.

Water constantly dropping on rock ultimately creates a deep impression in the rock. The deep impression is not the effect of the final drop. The very first drop has the same effect as the last drop. It is therefore improper to negate the efficacy of the first drop.  The Thikr of the first day has the same effect as the Thikr of the last day has on the ultimate spiritual state of the thaakir (the one who engages in thikr).

A cursory concentration suffices in salat, dhikr, etc. Do not exert yourself otherwise the heart and mind will be harmed. Exertion in concentration also causes tiredness and distress, resulting in the disruption of benefit. Proficiency in concentration will gradually, step by step be achieved through cursory concentration.

Also, do not exert yourself to preserve a certain [spiritual] condition, nor hanker after such a condition. Extremism is harmful. Do what you are required to do. Ability and conditions will form on its own. Don’t agitate yourself nor concern yourself with results and conditions. The main objective is to keep oneself engaged and occupied.