Reading Time: 3 minutes
- It is Makrooh (and not permissible) for sick persons, travellers and prisoners to perform Zuhr Salaat with Jamaa’t on a Friday in a place where Jumuah Salaat is being performed. On Fridays, such people have to perform Zuhr individually without Athaan and Iqaamah.
- Drying with a towel after Wudhu is Mustahab.
- Sadqah (optional charity – charity which is not compulsory) may be also be given to non-Muslims.
- Smoking is strictly forbidden. Selling cigarettes is also forbidden.
- Every Makrooh Tahrimi act is punishable with the Fire of Jahannum just as haraam acts are punishable.
- During haidh to recite even less than an aayat is also haraam.
- Buying and selling monkeys are haraam.
- Paying fees to see animals perform is haraam.
- It is not permissible to sell to non-Muslims a translation of the Qur’aan Majeed which contains the Arabic text nor is it permissible to make a gift of it to them.
- Unnecessarily neglecting a Sunnat act is Makrooh Tahrimi.
- Hadhrat Abu Bakr’s name is Abdullah Bin Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu).
- It is not permissible for the guardian, even if he is the father, to loan out the money of his minor child.
- It is not permissible for a creditor to accept a gift from his debtor.
- Riba (interest) is the excess (or additional amount) acquired by virtue of a contract.
- It is haraam for ustaadhs to begin classes even a minute after the stipulated time. Ustaadhs are not entitled to receive pay for the time they arrive late or leave early or are absent.
- If someone asks the direction to a temple, it is haraam to show him the direction.
- Monetary fines are not permissible.
- Membership fees are haraam.
- The penalty charged for late payment of an instalment is riba.
- Switching Math-habs for a worldly reason, e.g. for marriage, is akin to kufr.
- Changing one’s Math-hab for a purely Deeni reason is permissible.
- The Sunnat length of a male’s kurtah is halfway between the knees and ankles. The maxi kurtah on or below the ankles is haraam.
- A wakeel (an appointed agent to sell a commodity) may not sell the article to himself.
- Two different transactions are not permissible in one contract.
- When reading a letter, it is incumbent to verbally respond to the Salaam of the writer.
- A partner in a business is not entitled to wages. Wages for a partner are haraam. A partner is entitled to only profit.
- When selling one currency for another currency, the official rate is the rate fixed by the parties. The bank rate is not the official rate for this purpose.
- It is not permissible to use a pawned item. The item has to be kept in safe custody, not used.
- If a husband gives his wife the option of invoking Talaaq on herself, she can exercise the option as long as she has not changed her physical position, e.g. she did not walk away or she did not engage herself in any work or she did not enter into a discussion with someone. As long as she maintains her position, the husband cannot retract the option.
- Trading in haraam substances which are used in medicines is not permissible. 31. Sale of sports goods is not permissible.
- Fishing with live bait is haraam. Selling live bait is likewise haraam.
- Fishing and hunting for sport are haraam.
- Partnership with non-Muslims is Makrooh.
- Occupational ‘rent’ is not permissible. The money so derived is haraam.
- Zakaat cannot be paid by waiving debt from a debtor. The waived debt will be a Nafl Sadqah.
- If a Salafi is wearing ordinary socks (cotton, woollen, nylon), Salaat will then not be valid behind him. Salafis don’t wash their feet during wudhu if they are wearing socks. They make masah on top of the socks, hence their wudhu is not valid. 38. When raising the hands at the time of Takbeer Tahrimah, the palms must be towards the Qiblah, not towards the face of the musalli.
- A gift is not valid if physical possession and full control of the gifted item are not assigned to the donee (the one to whom the gift is made). A mere document stating the gift is not valid. The vital requisite is possession.
- If Rasulullah’s (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) name is heard while making tilaawat of the Qur’aan, the tilaawat should not be interrupted with Durood Shareef. Delay the Durood until completion of the tilaawat.