Reading Time: 2 minutes


The one who fulfills the Amaanah

Now I want you to imagine another type of person who fulfills that Amanah.

A person who comes to Allah Ta’ala and  lived his/her life according to the will and wish of Allah Ta’ala .

They didn’t do Khiyanah. They were Ameen.

They fulfilled that Amanah according to the teachings of Quran-e-Karim. They fulfilled that amanah according to the Sunnah of Nabi Karim  صلى الله عليه وسلم. They fulfilled that Amanah according to the teaching of the deen.

So when they die and they will be tested as well.

  1. Eyes

When it comes about him or her that he or she used their eyes for the sake of Allah. They lowered their eyes when Allah Ta’ala wanted them to lower them. They raised their eyes when Allah Ta’ala wanted to raise them. So Allah Ta’ala when give this Amanah back to them and say take these eyes back and look at Nabi Karim  صلى الله عليه وسلم, take these eyes back and look at Me, My Jamal and My Husn.

Look at Allah Ta’ala!  Allahuakbar kabira

Thats why Allah Ta’ala created us. That’s why this amanah was given to us in this world So that Allah Ta’ala actually wants to give it back to us. He wants to give to give all of this back to us to use it in more beautiful, more noble and more virtuous ways.

You lower these eyes from looking all of these members of creation , let Me give you these eyes back to gaze at Sahabah Karam r.a., gaze at Syedinna Isa alayhis salaam, gaze at Syaddinna Yousuf alayhis salaam.

Thats why Allah Ta’ala gave us these eyes. Yeh ankhein ham ko in cheizon ko  dekhnay kay liyay dee gai nahee. Yeh ankhein hamein anbiya, Sahabah ka deedaar, Allah Ta’ala kee deedar kernay kay liyay yeh ankhien dee gai gai hai.  These eyes have been given to us to gaze at Allah Ta’ala, Anbiya, Mursalin and all of their Ashaab. That’s why we have these eyes. That’s why Allah Ta’ala have given us this sight so we can have that sight and he wants to give us that sight forever.

  1. Ears

He fulfilled the amanah. He didn’t use his ears to listen to vain, idle, foolish talk, he didn’t use his ears to listen to lying and backbiting. Instead they used their ears to listen to Quran ul Karim. They used their ears to listen to the hadith of Nabi Karim صلى الله عليه وسلم. They used their ears to listen to words of nasiha of deen.

So Allah Ta’ala says you fulfilled the amanah now I am giving you these ears back, now you listen to Quran recited by Ar-Rahman.

Allahuakbar Kabira!

You listen to Quran recited by Nabi alayhis salaam You listen to Quran recited by Obai’ Ibn Ka’ab radiullah anhu. I’ll give you these ears back you listen to the voice of Sayidinna Isa alayhis salaam, I’ll give you these ears back and you listen to these things for all of eternity. I give you these ears…