The Beginning Of Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Mas`ood`s (Radiallahu Anhu) Day
The beginning of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas`ood`s Radiallahu Anhu day Hadhrat Abu Waa’il Radiallahu Anhu narrates that one day after performing Fajr Salaah he came to visit Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radiallahu Anhu and when they sought permission to enter, Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radiallahu Anhu immediately granted them permission.
Hadhrat Abu Waa’il Radiallahu Anhu says, “I thought to myself, let me wait a while before entering so that the ladies of the house can sort themselves out Radiallahu Anhu lest they were attending to some chores).”
Just then Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radiallahu Anhu came to the door while reciting Tasbeeh and said to him, “Perhaps you might have thought that we would be neglectful of our duties (to Allaah) at this hour, (but you were wrong and all are engaged in the worship of Allaah).”
He then called his slave and enquired from her if the sun had risen and she replied that it had not. When he asked her the third time she replied that the sun had indeed risen. As soon as Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radiallahu Anhu heard this he recited, “All praise belongs to Allaah who has awarded us this day and forgiven all our shortcomings in it (because then only is it possible for us to see another day).” The narrator adds, “And I think he also said, “And has not punished us with the fire of Jahannam).”