Being Influenced By Kufr Culture

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Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Sahib حفظه الله has mentioned that we are instructed in the Holy Qur’ān that we break off our relationship with the Jews and Christians, etc. It starts off very mild initially, but kufr has an attraction of its own and though it starts off innocently, it does not stop there. From their clothing, it moves to their ways, culture and mannerisms. Hazratjee Moulana Muhammad Maseehullah Khan Sahib رحمه الله qualified that interaction and relationship are two separate issues. A Muslim has to be polite with everyone but establishing a friendship with unbelievers is extremely dangerous.

As an example, the culture of the west exhorts women to leave their houses and earn. A necessary qualification is that Islam does not prohibit women earning but the fundamental difference is that Islamic culture, mannerisms, habits and perspectives oppose altogether the value systems promoted by the Kuffār. The problem is that man no more wants to understand true and real values. Man is motivated primarily by materialism rather than modesty. Hazrat Mufti Sahib حفظه الله says that if a house is beautiful on the outside but the interior; electricity, water, etc are not functional, then of what use is the home? On the other hand, if the interior is in order but the outside is not too splendid, the house can still be inhabited. Our weakness is that we allow ourselves to be affected by outward glitter of the ways of the Kuffār not realising that their ways are devoid of any moral goodness; the distinguishing factor is that a Muslim is motivated to act in accordance to the injunctions of Deen whereas the Kuffār’s focus is on wealth. Let us clearly understand that love for Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله and love for wealth cannot be reconciled.

Shafeequl Ummah Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Farooq Sahib رحمه الله shares an incident in Sukkur. A young man who knew Hazrat رحمه الله used to pass by the Khānqah daily whilst on his way to work. Very uniquely, he only greeted Hazrat رحمه الله on Friday when he was wearing an Islamic dress. Hazrat رحمه الله called him and asked the reason for his behaviour. The response was astonishing in that the youngster said that when he was wearing the garments associated with the Kuffār, his heart disinclined towards people associated with Deen. To this extent, he said that there was a resentment to even greet fellow Muslims but when he donned the garb of Islam, he automatically developed a sense of humility and greeted his brethren. Hazrat رحمه الله commented that this is the effect of outward imitation of the Kuffār where by merely identifying with their dressing created an attitude of contempt towards Deen. The choice of attachment is in our hands. We have to realise that the choice of our outward appearance will invariably manifest in our habits. May Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله guide us in making the correct choices.

آمين يارب العالمين