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In his Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Imaam Raazi (rahmatullah alayh)
narrated the following episode: “Once Hadhrat Nabi Isaa
(alayhis salaam) passed by a grave. It was revealed to him that
the inmate of the grave was undergoing severe punishment. A
short while later, Nabi Isaa (alayhis salaam) passed by the
same grave. On this occasion it was revealed to him that the
Angels of Rahmat (Mercy) were inside the grave, and the Noor
of Maghfirah (the Light of Forgiveness) was exuding from the
In great astonishment, Nabi Isaa (alayhis salaam) supplicated
to Allah Ta’ala to explain the mystery. Why so soon after the
punishment, the inmate was pardoned and being rewarded?
Allah Ta’ala revealed to him that the inmate of the grave was a
great sinner. When he died his wife was pregnant. After his
death, a boy was born. On this day (i.e. the day Nabi Isaa—
alayhis salaam) was passing by the grave), the child had
reached the age to be admitted to Madrasah. After he was
admitted, the first lesson the Ustaadh taught the child was
‘Bismillaah…’. Precisely at the moment the child recited
Bismillaah, Allah Ta’ala forgave the father and substituted the
punishment with His Mercy.
The Roman emperor wrote to Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu
anhu) that he was suffering from severe migraine. He requested
a remedy. Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) sent a topi to the
king instructing him to wear it. As soon as the king donned the
topi, the headache disappeared. However, after removing the
topi, the headache returned. Whenever he would don the topi,
the headache would disappear and whenever he removed it, the
headache returned.
In amazement, the king cut open the topi and found sewn
inside a ta’weez – a piece of paper on which was written
“Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.”

Awake 1429