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Who is described as a miser in the Shariah?

A miser according to Shariah is that person who does not fulfil the faradh and wajib expenses of the Shariah. One who does fulfil these obligations cannot be termed a miser. H6wever, it is incorrect to believe that besides the compulsory forms of expenditure, there is no need for one to spend voluntarily in assistance to fellow humans. Apart from zakaat and other wajib sadaqah, the Shariah also established a category of spending based on mutual respect and humane feelings towards others. This is the moral and humanitarian aspect of spending. Within financial restraints, one should act on the dictates of morals and mutual sympathy and spend accordingly.

This is something to ponder over.

For example, a man has the financial ability to travel in a higher class, or in a superior mode of transport. Obviously, such travel will provide comfort to his body, and his pocket can afford it. However, in spite of all this he still does not utilize this mode of travel. Such a person has done an injustice to himself, and morally he cannot be termed a generous person. The first stage of generosity is spending on one self when the financial budget allows it and the Shariah permits it. So first practice on the Fust stage of generosity, which entails maintaining one’s self-esteem and respect, thereby providing comfort to yourself, which then makes one a grateful and appreciative servant of Allah.

The Statement Of Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله

Do not regard maal (wealth) as wealth. The Urdu word maal(meaning wealth) comes from the term mil (which means dirt). This is the statement of my Hazrat (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). He says that since

maal is derived from Mi’l (dirt), do we then keep dirt within us or attempt to get rid of it? Is dirt something that must be kept in the heart or in the hands? And even when keeping it in the hands, do not close the hand like this (Hazrat made a fist and pointed it upwards). Instead, keep it facing downwards (i.e., the hand of the giver) and keep on opening themhand a little (in spending). Do not open the hand fully (thus causing wealth to be wasted by becoming spendthrift). But, keep spending in small amounts.


Source: Hazrat Hajee Muhammad Shafeequl Farooq رحمه الله