I am definitely a Gangster, but I am not ignoble (dishonourable)
Mawlānā Muhammad Amin Safdar Okarwi has written a hair rising incident that transpired with him, he says:
‘I had received a letter from a town in Wuhari. It was filled with love and emotion. The people had written….Mawlānā, until today, there has been no lecture delivered on the Seerah of Rasūlullah ﷺ in our town. We greatly desire that you take out time for this. We shall prepare.
Looking at the great love and emotion with which the letter was written, I decided on a date for this particular lecture. I wrote and stated that I shall get ready for that particular day. I disembarked from the train on the day and came to the town. The hosts received me with gifts and said, “Mawlānā, you can leave. We do not want to have the lecture programme.” I asked the reason and they said, “Ninety percent of the town comprises of Qadiyanis. They are threatening us. Our lives and property are not safe if the lecture on the Seerah of Rasūlullah ﷺ is delivered here. Mawlānā, we are weak and poor. We are also in the minority.”
I returned their envelope and said, “If the talk was about you and I, then I can return. The matter is that it is an issue of the honour of Rasūlullah ﷺ. Now the lecture must take place.” The people were now extremely worried and said, “Mawlānā, you can leave, we will be left with the problem.” I said, “Are there no influential people or authorities in the surrounding areas?” They said that – certain gangster, Nura, lives at a distance from the town. The entire town fears him. I said, “Come, take me to Nura.” When we reached his place, Nura said, “Why has a Mawlānā come today?” I said, “The issue is that of the honour of Rasūlullah ﷺ, can you do something?” Hearing my words, Nura stood up in a flash and said, “I am definitely a gangster, but I am not ignoble (dishonourable).” He took us along. The lecture in the Masjid went ahead for three hours whilst Nura stood guard. In the end, Nura said, “If anyone raises an eyebrow towards the Muslims, he will not be saved from Nura.” After the programme, I returned home.
A few months later, someone came home. He was wearing a turban, he had a beard and he was reciting Salāt Sharīf. I asked, “Who are you?” He cried and said, “Mawlānā, I am Nura the gangster. I had returned home that day after your lecture and fell asleep. I saw Rasūlullah ﷺ in a dream. He kissed me on my head and said, “Today, you stood guard for my honour. I and my Rabb are pleased with you. Allah has forgiven all your past sins.” “My eyes opened and my entire condition changed. Now tears roll from my eyes all the time. Mawlānā, I want to thank you. It was through you that my life has changed and I am focused towards the hereafter.”
O’ Allah, whoever will defend the honour of Rasūlullah ﷺ , bless him with a vision of Rasūlullah ﷺ, Your pleasure, and the intercession of the noble Master ﷺ May Allah save the Ummah from falling into the trap of Qadianism or any other evil movements whose leaders claim Nubuwwat