The Four Types of Sicknesses Affecting the Jaahil
The Four Types of Sicknesses Affecting the Jaahil
Once you have understood this, you should take note that the sickness of the jaahil (ignorant one) is of four types. One is curable whilst the others are incurable.
The First of the incurable is the sickness of one whose question and objection stem from jealousy and enmity.
The more you respond to him beautifully, eloquently and with clarity the more intense hatred, enmity and jealousy he develops for you. Thus, one should not occupy oneself by responding to him. This is the approach that should be resorted to here. It has been said:
There is hope for removing all types of enmity
Save the enmity of one who hates you out of jealousy
One should, therefore, turn away from such a person and leave him to his sickness. Allah Ta’ala states:
“So turn away from one who turns his back to Our Remembrance and he intends nothing but this worldly life.” – Surah Najm,
The one who is jealous of everything you say and everything you do ignites a fire in the field of his deeds. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Jealousy devours good deeds just as fire burns dry
The Second type is the sickness stemming from foolishness.
Such a person, too, is incurable, as Isaa (alaihis salaam) said: “I never failed in bringing the dead to life, but I failed to cure a fool.”
And that is a person who occupies himself with studying rational and Shar’i Uloom (Sciences) for a short period. He then questions and flings objections at a senior Aalim who has devoted his life to Uloom of the Shariah and rational sciences. This fool thinks that what is problematic to him is also problematic to the senior Aalim. If he cannot even comprehend this, then his questioning is a folly.
It is necessary to disengage with him also.
The Third is of a person who seeks guidance, he attributes whatever he cannot comprehend of the statements of the Akaabir to his deficiency in understanding and his questions are for gaining benefit. However, he is naturally dunce.
He cannot perceive realities. It is not appropriate to engross oneself with explaining him, as well, for Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “We, the Brotherhood of Ambiya, have been instructed to speak to people according to the level of their intelligence.”
Yes, the sickness that can be cured is that of an intelligent and understanding person who seeks guidance. He is not given to jealousy, anger and love for carnal pleasures, fame and money. He
seeks the Straight Road. His question and objection is not the product of jealousy, obstinacy or subjecting the one questioned to a test. Such a person can be cured and thus it is permissible to devout time to respond to his question. In fact, it is waajib upon you to respond to him.
Source: Priceless Naseehat – Imam Ghazali for a Dedicated Pupil and Disciple”