The Truth of The Matter – Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (رحمه الله)

Reading Time: < 1 minute


In most of our programmes, either the speaker is not Mukhlis (sincere) or the listeners are not Mukhlis.
Degrees and high qualifications are not the key to unlocking the hearts of listeners, to convey the message of Deen. No matter what qualifications a person may possess or present, if the heart is not enlightened, the mind will not be enlightened and the speech will not be enlightened. Then those words will simply rebound from the hearts of the listeners.
The person may be applauded for his eloquence, his intelligence, and his brilliant and innovative ideas to “cure” the ailments of our Ummah, but there is no real effect. His words will fall on ears but his words will not fall into hearts.
-Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (رحمه الله)