Hadhrat Haddaad (rahmatullah alayh) was among the great Auliya of former times. By
profession he was a blacksmith. Prior to his reformation and attaining Wilaayat (the
special relationship of friendship with Allah Ta’ala termed sainthood), he fell in love with
a woman who rebuffed him. But he was madly in love with her. He sought the assistance
of a saahir (sorcerer) who assured Hadhrat Haddaad that he would prepare such magic
which would change the woman’s attitude. She too would fall in love with him. But the
condition for the efficacy of the sihr (magic) was that for 40 days Haddaad had to
incumbently abstain from doing even the slightest good deed. He had to remain in the
state of impurity and filth. The slightest act of virtue would neutralize the sihr, rendering
it useless. Haddaad agreed.
He faithfully adhered to the evil prescription. But after the 40 days had lapsed, the
woman still rebuffed him. Haddaad went to complain to the sorcerer. He asked Haddaad
if he had done any good deed. He replied with emphasis in the negative. He did not
practise a single deed of virtue. But the saahir told him to reflect. After some reflection,
Hadhrat Haddaad said that the only act which he can recall was that once he had
removed a stone from the middle of the pathway because it was an obstacle for people.
The saahir said that it was that act of virtue which had rendered his sihr inefficient. He
had violated the condition.
This was the turning point in Hadhrat Haddaad’s life. He reflected on his own evil,
stupidity and the immense value of even such a seemingly trivial deed as removing an
impediment from the pathway. He resolved to turn to Allah Ta’ala in repentance.
Henceforth he devoted his entire life to his moral reformation and Thikrullah. In Islam,
Hadhrat Haddaad (rahmatullah alayh) attained an extremely lofty state of Wilaayat. He
became a Wali who demonstrated many acts of Karaamat (Miracles).
Never regard any amal-e-saalih (virtuous deed) insignificant no matter how small or trivial it may
appear. It may just be the deed required for salvation in the Aakhirah.