Hadhrat Zunnun Misri (rahmatullah alayh) narrated: “Once in the sacred precincts of Musjidul Haraam I saw an African. When he recited something, his face literally dazzled with Noor like the sun. When he discontinued whatever he was reciting, the Noor would disappear. I was astonished. I approached him and asked for an explanation. He said that whenever he engaged in Thikr, his entire body would literally become radiant of Noor (celestial light). When he stopped his Thikr, the Noor would disappear. Subhaanallaah! How wonderful is the Thikr of Allah, and how wonderful is the Noor accompanying it!”
Hadhrat Zunnun Misri (rahmatullah alayh) rarely spoke. His silence was excessive. He was perpetually engrossed in Thikrullaah. Due to his permanent state of silence, people believed that he was mad. The day he died was intensely hot. The weather was extreme. Only a few sincere peasants ventured to out into the heat to attend to the Janaazah. As the Janaazah was being carried, huge flocks of birds appeared and formed a canopy of shade over the Janaazah and the small procession. When people from their houses observed this miraculous event, they rushed out to accompany the Janaazah.
Along the way to the qabrustaan, they passed by a Musjid. It was Salaat time. When the Muath-thin proclaimed: “Ash-hadu al la ilaha il lallaah’, Hadhrat Zunnun removed his hand from the kafan and pointed his Kalimah finger. The people were astonished. Thinking that he was alive, they opened the kafan to examine him. But they confirmed his death.