White House’s Genocide Thesaurus is fast running out of denialist ammunition

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Well, offie-poeffie! The US “may be slow-rolling” Israel’s demands for weaponry to power its genocide machine, we’re told Wednesday, as the White House’s propaganda machine force-feeds us a never-ending supply of euphemisms to describe its nuanced policy on mass murder.
Just the other day, the White House thesaurus boldly announced president Joe Biden had expressed “concerns” to UAE president Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan about his homicidal destruction of Sudan.
The wordbending book also advised us in May that Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, “cited” American intelligence about the UAE’s Sudan activities in a call with his Emirati counterpart.

Extermination legacy
In December, the master of onomatopoeic misdirection revealed US Vice President Harris had “objected” to the UAE’s arms smuggling in Sudan in a meeting with al-Nahyan.
It’s a very hard-working book, is the White House’s Genocide Thesaurus; it’s probably the most accessed resource in the West Wing’s playbook. After all, Holocaust denialism has become a daily necessity in Washington.
There’s just so much of it about nowadays as the US’s allies take up the extermination legacy, the golden thread that tied together its “War Against Terror”, and weave it into a widening inheritance that is threatening to cover the whole of Arabia in blood, gore and concrete dust.
It’s putting enormous strain on the Thesaurus’s capacity to stretch its limited supply of comforting euphemisms’ far enough to blot out the horrors that are the fruits of its deliberate denialism. As long as the White House denies, the genocide can continue at an imaginary arm’s length and the White House and all Americans can continue believing they are good people who only want to pay their taxes.
After all, what more could a modern state ask of its citizens?

Cowardly denialism
“The Biden administration may be slow-rolling a new Israeli request to refill its arms and munitions stockpiles, raising some questions among US officials whether or not it is trying to apply pressure on Israel to stop a full-scale offensive on Lebanon, Middle East Eye can reveal.”
We are meant to assume that, somewhere in there, in the midst of its sophisticated policy analysis, the AI-generated algorithms are throwing out perturbations that imply something more exciting and more dynamic than mere cowardly denialism is taking place.
We’re supposed to light the flame of hope in our hearts that “soon”, surely, the US is going to realise its historic responsibilities and will turn to directly confronting the evil that is its Arabian legacy.
And, more importantly, we are meant to delay our rage.
See? See, there is hope! “Israel submitted an “extensive” three-page request last week for additional munitions and armaments to the Biden administration, a senior US official and former US official told MEE.”

Details of distraction
Israel is looking to replenish stockpiles depleted by its bottomless Gaza bloodlust as confrontations with Hezbollah escalate, officials said.
Empty hope however doesn’t go far. The best way to build it is to chuck in a few details – Israel wants to “refill interceptors for the Arrow missile defense system”. These will be used “if Israel came under attack from long-range missiles fired by Iran, Hezbollah or the Houthis in Yemen”.
Chuck in a few rubbernecking “experts” standing on the sidelines of Washington’s denialism and you can build it up into a humdinger of a hopeful revelation. “Halleluiah!!”
“Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, told MEE it is not surprising the Biden administration would seek to put new roadblocks on weapons transfers, which is “consistent with other signs from the Biden administration that it is prioritising de-escalation over deterrence”.
Yeah! Drumroll, please, as our battered hearts skip a beat.
Like, no one remembers those red lines scuffed out into obscurity almost as soon as they were drawn in Rafah. Remember in January when the White House said officials were “seeing daylight” as the “gap” between Biden and his boss, Benjamin Netanyahu supposedly widened.

All played out
No. Wait. That was December … er, well, it could have been February. Or was it last October 8? Or yesterday?
The playbook is all played out; the Thesaurus’s euphemism supply is exhausted, like the Lawnmowers’ ammunition supplies. Relentless truth continues finding its own level and seeping into every crack and fissure and revealing the White House’s cowardly intentions that plumb the lowest levels of venality and systemic depravity.
Take this paragraph Wednesday: “US officials are concerned that Israel’s intense bombing campaign inside Lebanon could escalate into a full-blown regional war, and there are signs that the Biden administration is frustrated with Israel.”
“Concerned!” “Could excalate!” “There are signs!” “Frustrated! Please!!!!!!!

It’s a classic “confess-and-avoid” strategy – yes, we are very concerned about Muslims’ lives (see, we have a picture of a girl in Yemen studying science), now don’t doubt our intentions. And relax!!!!!
There is nothing nuanced about genocide and there can be nothing nuanced about the civilised, the appropriate, reaction to it: absolute rejection and direct confrontation.
Evil that is not countered only flourishes, because evil is all it knows.


Source: Markazsahaba