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Hakeem-ul-Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib (Rahimahullah) has said that just as a parent will take their child to undergo surgery due to infections, and the child will experience pain and discomfort but he will soon recover after a few days. Similarly, Allah Ta’ala causes a sinner to experience some distress due to the consequences of his sins; if the servant displays tolerance and trust in Allah Ta’ala, he will be granted forgiveness whilst undergoing the difficulty. However, the real reward will be in the Aakhirah.

Hazrat Thaanwi (Rahimahullah) further advised that the reward for good deeds certainly occurs in this world and one is punished because of sins but sadly nobody tries to understand this.

If we develop a deep sense of contemplation (Muraaqabah), we will definitely perceive the effects of our actions.