DIVINE PROXIMITY: The Spiritual Quest for Seeking Closeness to Allah Ta’ala
By means of Riyaazat and Mujaahadah the urges of Akhlaaq-e-Zameemah (the lowly attributes) are suppressed and brought under full control.
When this occurs, there rises in the servant of Allah the perfect attribute of Hubbe Marziyaat (love for acts which occasion the Pleasure of Allah), as well as the quality of Bughz Naamarziyaat (hatred for acts which occasion the Displeasure of Allah).
The consequence of this development is the free and ready flow of righteous deeds and the almost total annihilation of evil acts.
About such a person who has developed into an embodiment of virtue, the Hadith of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) says:
“By means of Nawaafil (optional Ibaadaat) My servant progressively attains My proximity until I make him My beloved.
When I love him, I become his hearing by means of which he hears; and I become his sight by means of which he sees; and I become his hand by means of which he touches; and I become his feet by means of which he walks.” (Bukhaari)
Abundance of Nawaafil, whether it be Salaat, Fasting, Muraaqabah (meditation) or reduction in desires, is an integral part of Mujaahadah which is essential for the spiritual progress and development of the Saalik (the one who travels along the Path of Tasawwuf to reach the Proximity of Allah Ta’ala.
It should, however, be noted that abundance of Nawaafil will be of no benefit if the discharge of Faraa-idh (compulsory Ibaadaat) is neglected. No amount of Nafl Salaat can compensate the deliberate loss of a single Fardh Salaat due to neglect. One who foregoes Fardh Salaat and engages in forms of “zikr” is lost in deception. Such “zikr” will be of no benefit to him.
The Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) makes it very clear that Fardh Ibaadaat are more efficacious in the attainment of Love, Pleasure and Proximity of Allah Ta’ala. In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah Ta’ala says:
“There is nothing more loved to me, by means of which My servant can gain My Proximity, than those duties which I have made Fardh on him.” (Bukhaari)
The superiority of Fardh Ibaadat over Nafl Ibaadat is strongly asserted by the Shariat. Abundance of Nafl being a means of gaining Divine Proximity refers to Nafl performed after the Fardh Ibaadat has been discharged. Nafl Ibaadat will not attain for one Divine Proximity if the Faraa-idh duties are neglected.