A Selection of Quotes of Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi رحمه الله
Reading Time: 6 minutes
- Sincerity and courage are the essence of Tasawwuf
- For us the reality of Tasawwuf is only knowledge accompanied with actions .
- To exceed the limits in grieving is a sin and it is such a sin that is completely without pleasure.
- Pay attention to Allah, not to worries, they will disappear.
- Neither consider your worship such as to be proud of, nor consider them useless.
- If your friends and relatives do not love you, be happy that Allah has removed others from your heart.
- When Allah is angry, you see a wrong thing as right and wrong superstition appear as facts.
Patience becomes easy by crying to Allah, as it removes the pressure. - Do Zikr with the intention of developing love of Allah, it will have its effect.
- We are born for worries, it will end in Paradise, so forget its ending now.
- Inform the person you have back-bited, after a short while you will stop back-biting.
- Do not quote somebody without enquiry or research.
- A deceit cannot imitate the Sunnah The effect of Sunnah is spiritual reality which the deceit can never acquire
- Hubbe jah (love for fame) and hubbe mal (love for wealth) are grave spiritual evils. They never leave man in peace.
- When angered by someone, leave his presence or have him removed from your presence and drink cold water.
- Even if the whole world is covered in sin Taubah wipes it all out Dynamite is small in size but can destroy huge mountains.
- Associate very little with rulers and those who hold high positions.
- Stay very far from irreligious people.
- Do not search for the faults of others.
- Do not have evil thoughts about anyone. Instead look at your own faults and try to put them in order.
- You should be particular in offering your salaat in the proper manner, at the proper time with concentration.
- Always occupy yourself in the remembrance of Allah, either with your heart or tongue.
- If you experience any satisfaction in taking the name of Allah, then express your gratitude to Allah.
- Speak in a nice, humble way.
- Set aside specific times for all your different tasks and abide strictly to these times.
- Consider whatever regret, sorrow or loss you may experience to be from Allah.
- Do not think about worldly matters, calculations, profits and losses, etc. all the time. Instead think about Allah.
- As far as possible, try to help and benefit others irrespective of whether it be in worldly or Deeni matters.
- Do not eat and drink too little to the extent that you become weak and fall ill.
- You should not eat and drink too much to the extent, you feel lazy in carrying out the different acts of Ibaadah.
- Do not have any desire or greed for anything except Allah.
- Do not allow your mind to wander towards any place, thinking that you will be able to benefit or profit from there.
- The tricks of the nafs are extremely subtle. Man sees deception of his nafs only after great difficulty.
- Deeds are rewards themselves, so why do you ask for reward on rewards.
- To gain the love of Allah, join the company of the Saints (Ahlullah).
- Hidden etiquette is to be with Allah, all your time,events and dealings.
- Ask every one to say a word of prayer for you.You do not know on whose tongue is acceptance.
- In the company of saints (Ahlullah) atleast you begin to notice your mistakes and sins.
- Compensation for past sins is to repent & for the future, fix a fine on the nafs whether it be a bodily fine or a financial
- Constancy in zikr even without pleasure results in a closeness with Allah and the heart being wholesome.
- People who are much fascinated by supernatural displays, will be with Dajjal in greater number
If someone is hurrying along the road, do not stop him for hand-shaking. - When going to meet a person, do not sit with him so long as to inconvenience him.
- Once in a dream I saw numerous females and musical instruments with Dajjal, (These will lure people to him)
While eating do not mention such things that nauseates or disgusts others. - Love for someone who is irreligious constitutes a danger to ones own Iman
- Nowadays people are terrified by islah (self-reformatiom).
- The pillar of noor is the noor of Taqwa which is in the hearts of all the Muttaqeen
- Keeping contact with the pious rectifies a persons Deen.
- Appreciate,value and remember the Deeni favours which your parents have bestowed to you.
If sometimes parents act unjustly, bear their injustice with patience. - One can only regard oneself to be insignificant if the respect, honor and love of seniors are embedded in the heart.
- Disrespect is more harmful than sinning.
- Juniors should at all times keep in mind the seniority of elders.Do not regard yourself equal to elders.
- Never give a verdict in a dispute after having heard the story of only one side.
- Do not raise your voice above the voices of your parents.
- The companionship of a pious man will induce piety in you.
Do not in jest point a sharp instrument to anyone. - Be restless in your quest for Allah.
- Be grateful for the favors that are bestowed upon you irrespective of whether they are plenty or few.
- Do not be depressed with poverty and destitution.
- Overlook the faults and mistakes of those who are under your control.
- If you learn of any fault of someone, conceal it.
- Be in the service of guests, travelers, strangers, Ulama, and pious servants of Allah.
- Choose the company of the pious.
- Fear Allah all the time.
- Remember death.
- Set aside a certain time daily, wherein you should think about all your actions for that day.
- When you remember any good action done, express gratitude.When you remember any evil action,repent.
- Don’t ever speak a lie.
- Live with bashfulness, modesty and forbearance.
- Do not be conceited by thinking to yourself that “I have such-and-such qualities in me.”
- Don’t ever attend gatherings that are contrary to the Shariah.
- Continue making Dua to Allah to keep you steadfast on the straight path.
- To be proud of a blessing is pride but to consider it a gift from Allah & keep in mind your incompetence is thankfulness.
- Pride develops in some Muslims; they pray and hate those who don’t and consider them inferior.
- Sins are very dangerous and must be avoided.
- Do not merely acquire a Fatwa (ruling) to substantiate one’s own views.
- During school holidays, children should be left in the companionship of Ahlullaah (saintly persons).
- Do not assume that children will automatically acquire manners when they grow up.
- Start early.
- When meeting someone with whom you have no informal association, do not ask him personal questions.
- Do not crack such jokes which are hurting to others nor speak in a way which embarrasses people.
- When a child is obstinate in demanding a thing, do not fulfill its demand.
- Do not hesitate if you slip and commit some misdeed, seek forgiveness immediately
- Only the followers of the Sunnah will be safe from Dajjal’s trap.
- One should not interfere with and oppose the things established by our saintly predecessors. Their methods are all correct
- The companionship of an evil man will induce evil in you.
- When entering the private room of parents, seek their permission before entering.
- If for some reason you are constrained to leave while others are still eating, excuse yourself.
- Superstition is a kind of shirk. Abstain from this.
- Some people never bother to visit the sick. This is not correct. There is great reward in visiting the sick.
- There is greater reward for granting a loan than for giving charity.
- The act of postponing a loan repayment when one is by the means to repay is an act of zulm (injustice).
- Do not use the articles of others without their permission.
- Safeguard and treat with care an object which you have borrowed.
- Do not make promises in haste.
- Fulfil a promise made. Do not act in conflict with a promise without any valid reason.
- After your parents’ death make it a habit, to make Dua-e-Maghfirat for them.
- Do not read the letters of others. If a letter is not intended for you, do not read it.
- When your child has wronged someone, do not side with your child especially in his presence.
- If any children come to you for education, do not take service from them.
- Be watchful of your children’s behavior towards servants and the children of servants.
- A gift should not be refused because of its small value or quantity.
- A gift tendered with the motive to obtain some benefit in lieu, is in fact bribery. It is not hadyah.
- Dua is not sufficient for Islaah (spiritual reformation). One has to adopt the ways and means too.
- Do not curse or speak ill of time (the age). Time is blameless.
- Where the company consists of three persons, two should not speak by whispering to each other.
- Do not waste the time of a busy person by prolonging the conversation by small talk.
- Do not use extravagant titles or flattery when writing.
- Shariat is Aqaaid (beliefs), A’maal (good deeds) ,Muamalaat (transactions), Akhlaaq (character) & Muasharat (conduct).
- Disrespect is the effect of pride and arrogance.
- Do not ask a need from such a person who you know feels obligated to comply even though he may not be disposed to assist.
- If you have been told to come at a certain time (ie. an appointment), then be there at the appointed time.
- Do not express yourself in the presence of the sick or his family, in a manner which makes them lose hope in life.
- Acquire knowledge of Deen according to your needs; either by asking the Ulama or by reading a book.
- Abstain from all sins.
- If you commit any sin, repent immediately.
- Do not hold back in fulfilling anyone’s right.
- Do not cause anyone physical or verbal harm.
- Do not speak ill of anyone.
- Do not have any love for wealth, nor any desire for name and fame.
- Do not concern yourself with extravagant food and clothing.
- If someone rebukes you for your mistake or error, do not try to justify your action.
- Do not laugh excessively nor talk excessively.
- Do not go about repeating or mentioning an argument that may have taken place between two persons.
- Always be mindful of the rules of Shariah in everything you do.
- Do not display laziness in executing any act of Ibaadah.
- Try and spend most of your time in seclusion.
- If you have to meet and converse with others, meet them with humility and do not display your greatness.