Don’t Speak ill of your Wife/Husband!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


It is mentioned, there was a villager who divorced his wife.

People went to enquire the reason for his divorce.

He said:”I have given her one talaq,and she is still in my nikah,if I take her back during her iddat (waiting period),and if i am going to open to you her faults,how will it be possible to take her back???

They waited till her iddat was over,and they returned to the villager with the same question.

He said:”if I open up her faults to you;how will it be possible for her to find a suitable person to get married to???

As soon as she remarried, these people were back again at the villagers door with the same question.

The villager replied : ” how can it possible for me to tell you about another man’s wife,destroy her reputation and honour,whilst I’m a stranger to her??


True example of how husband and wife should behave!

“May Allah grant us spouses who are our shields, protecting our Izaat (dignity) and nurturing our souls.
Aameen ya Rabaal Aameen