5 Key Teachings of Taqwa by Hakeemul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Among the many concepts Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) emphasized, Taqwa—which refers to God-consciousness, piety, and mindfulness of Allah—is one of the most central. In his works, he provides profound insights into how to embody Taqwa in our daily lives. Below are five key teachings on Taqwa from the Malfooz (Statements) Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi:

1. Taqwa Begins in the Heart

“True Taqwa does not lie in outward appearance alone. It is a state of the heart — a person who fears Allah in their heart will avoid actions that may displease Him, even if others do not see. It is this sincerity in one’s heart that constitutes the true meaning of Taqwa.”

Taqwa is not merely about performing religious duties or following outward rituals. It starts in the heart. True Taqwa is a deep awareness of Allah’s presence, which leads to an internal transformation. This transformation is reflected in one’s actions, as a heart that is mindful of Allah will naturally guide the body to righteous behavior.

2. Taqwa Guides Every Aspect of Life
“Taqwa is not confined to the mosque or prayer mat; it must permeate all aspects of life. Whether in private or public, whether in ease or hardship, a true believer should remain mindful of Allah. When Taqwa becomes the lens through which one views life, every action, even the most mundane, becomes an act of worship.”

3. Taqwa Protects from Sin
Maulana Thanwi viewed Taqwa as a protective shield. It shields the believer from falling into the traps of sin and the distractions of this world. When Taqwa is deeply rooted in one’s heart, it prevents a person from giving in to harmful desires, whether they are visible or hidden.
Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) beautifully explained: “Taqwa is like a shield; it protects you from the harmful effects of sin and the distractions of this world. When Taqwa is strong, the desire to disobey Allah fades, and the heart remains firm in its commitment to righteousness.”
By maintaining Taqwa, a believer is able to resist temptations and stay on the straight path, even when the environment around them may encourage wrongdoing.

4. Taqwa Leads to Inner Peace and Contentment
“Whoever strives to cultivate Taqwa, Allah will open paths for him. Allah Himself will guide the one who fears Him and will provide ways to solve every difficulty. Taqwa brings blessings not just in the afterlife, but in this world too. It leads to contentment, ease, and divine assistance.”
Allah Subhanahu wa tala’s assistance manifests itself in various ways for the muttaqi (one who has taqwa)—whether in guidance, ease in difficult situations, or spiritual clarity.

5. Taqwa is a Lifelong Pursuit
“Taqwa is a lifelong journey. One must continuously strive for it, ensuring that the heart remains pure and aligned with Allah’s will. Regular reflection, seeking forgiveness, and improving oneself are key components of this ongoing process.”
By constantly renewing and strengthening one’s Taqwa, the believer can remain connected to Allah throughout their life.

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi’s teachings on Taqwa offer timeless wisdom for Muslims seeking to strengthen their faith and spiritual practices. His emphasis on the heart, the all-encompassing nature of Taqwa, its protective role, its ability to bring peace, and the need for continuous effort, all provide a clear framework for embodying God-consciousness in every aspect of life.
In the fast-paced world we live in today, it is crucial to rememberMoulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Qaddasallahu Sirrahu) ‘s words and make Taqwa the foundation of our thoughts, actions, and intentions. By doing so, we can walk the path of righteousness, earn the pleasure of Allah, and find contentment both in this world and the Hereafter.