Depression: A Change in Condition

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Depression can be caused by various factors, including changes in a person’s condition. According to Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rahmatullah Alayh), a change in one’s condition is sometimes due to climatic change. However, it is essential to remember that depression is not a permanent state, and its remedy is Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness from Allah).

The Nature of Change

  • Change is a natural part of life: As Hadhrat Thanvi (Rahmatullah Alayh) mentions, “All created beings and things undergo change. Nothing is static.”
  • Everything is perishable: Since everything is created, it is bound to change and eventually perish.
  • Change is a part of human life: Change does not occur to Allah Ta‘ala whereas there will certainly be changes in the conditions of people.

Causes of Depression

  • Sin and disobedience: Engaging in sinful behavior and disobeying Allah’s commandments can lead to depression.
  • Reckless indulgence: Indulging in futility and merrymaking without considering the consequences can contribute to depression.
  • Obliviousness of Maut, Qabr, and Aakhirat: Ignoring the realities of death, the grave, and the Hereafter can lead to a sense of detachment and depression.

Seeking Remedy

  • Istighfaar: Seeking forgiveness from Allah through Istighfaar can help alleviate depression.
  • Reflection and self-evaluation: Recognizing the causes of depression and making amends through reflection and self-evaluation can lead to a more positive outlook.