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True meaning of Shahada

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا آمِنُوا بِاللَّـهِ وَرَسُولِهِ


Allah Ta’ala  has used many different words in the Qur’an-e-Karim to Describe our basic relation with Him:

1. Iman

2. Islam

3. Deen



In the Arabic language, almost words come from a root source which is made up of 3 letters. Iman is made up of three letters “hamza meem noon- aa maa naa”. Words that come from the same root letters are related to one another, and so Iman is related to aman. 

Aman means to enter a state of Peace, Purity, Sanctity, Sanctuary; Iman means that that feeling that they take into their heart that there is only one Allah Ta’ala – it puts them into a state of aman – this can mean many things:

– Firstly, that now they are in aman from the Fire of Jahannam,

– They are in aman from the difficulties of the Day of Judgment

– They are in aman from the torment of the grave

– In terms of in this world: they will get peace of heart; contentment tranquility serenity of heart.

So, they will enter into a state of aman because of their iman in Allah Ta’ala.