Salaah – What is Muqtadi, Mudrik, Laahiq and Masbooq Mudrik
Muqtadi is one who follows the Imaam in Salaat.
There are three kinds of Muqtadi: Mudrik, Laahiq and Masbooq Mudrik is a Muqtadi (follower) who joined the Jamaa’t from the beginning and remained in the Jamaa’t until the end of the Salaat.
Laahiq is a Muqtadi who joined at the beginning, but during the course of the Salaat his wudhu broke. He withdraws to renew his wudhu, and again joins the Jamaa’t.
Masbooq is a Muqtadi who joins the Jamaa’t after having missed at least one raka’t. Masaa-il (Rules) of the Masbooq
1) After the Imaam completes the Salaat, the Masbooq, without joining the Imaam in Salaam, will rise to complete the raka’t/s which he had missed.
2) The Masbooq should rise immediately after the Imaam has completed the first Salaam.
3) If after the first Salaam, the Imaam makes Sajdah Sahw, the Masbooq should join in the Sajdah. But he should not join the Imaam in the Salaam.
4) If the Masbooq mistakenly makes the first Salaam with the Imaam, Sajdah Sahw becomes incumbent.
5) The Imaam was just about to begin the first Salaam to the right when a Masbooq joined the Salaat. The Masbooq in this case should recite the full Attahiyaat, then rise to complete his missed raka’ts.
6) When performing his missed raka’ts, the Masbooq may recite any Surahs or Aayaat. It is not incumbent for him to follow the Imaam’s sequence. 7) A Masbooq cannot become the Imaam for another latecomer.
8) The Imaam had mistakenly made a fifth raka’t. After Qa’dah Akheerah in the fourth raka’t, the Imaam thinking that it was Qa’dah Ula, performed an additional raka’t. None of the musallis corrected him. However, in the Qa’dah after the fifth raka’t, the Imaam remembered and made Sajdah Sahw. A Masbooq joined in this fifth raka’t. The Fardh of this Masbooq is not valid. He has to repeat the Salaat.
9) If a Masbooq joins the Jamaa’t just before the Imaam completed the word ‘Assalaamu’ of the first Salaam, then his Iqtida (following) is valid. Once the Imaam has recited the Meem of the first Salaam, the Iqtida will not be valid. The latecomer should perform his Salaat separately.
10) In Qa’dah Akheerah of the Imaam, the Masbooq should recite only Attahiyaat. Thereafter, while waiting for the Imaam to make Salaam, the Masbooq may recite Kalimah Shahaadat repeatedly.
11) The Masbooq forgetting about his missed raka’ts, completed the Salaat with the Imaam. While making dua with hands raised, he remembers that he is a Masbooq. He should immediately get up, complete his missed raka’ts and make Sajdah Sahw. As long as he had not committed an act which nullifies Salaat, he should rise and complete his Salaat, then make Sajdah Sahw.
12) If the Salaat is Jahri (i.e. a Salaat in which the Qiraa’t is recited audibly –Fajr, Maghrib and Isha’), the Masbooq has the choice of reciting Qiraa’t audibly or silently.
13) A Masbooq joined the Jamaa’t in the second raka’t. In this instance the Imaam is a Musaafir. This Masbooq when performing his three raka’ts, should do so without Qiraa’t in the first two raka’ts. In the third raka’t there will be Qiraa’t. If the Masbooq in this case joined the Musaafir Imaam in Tashahhud, then when performing his omitted raka’ts, there shall be no Qiraa’t in the first two raka’ts. In the second two raka’ts will be Qiraa’t.
14) A musalli joins the Jamaa’t while the Imaam is in Ruku’, but manages to join in the Ruku’ after reciting Takbeer Tahrimah and standing momentarily for the duration of one Tasbeeh. In this case, the musalli has obtained the raka’t. However, if he goes straight into Ruku’ after reciting Takbeer Tahrimah but without Qiyaam (standing) for the duration of at least one Tasbeeh, then he has missed the raka’t.
15) If the Masbooq finds the Imaam in Sajdah, he should recite Thana after Takbir Tahrimah, then join the Imaam in whatever position he finds him.
16) If the Masbooq joins the Jamaa’t while the Imaam is reciting Qiraa’t audibly, then he should not recite Thana. Qiraa’t is silent, he should recite Thana, and when he performs his omitted raka’ts, he should again recite Thana.
17) If a Masbooq joins the Jamaa’t after the Imaam has completed Sajdah Sahw, there is no need for him to make Sajdah Sahw. His Salaat his valid.
18) The Masbooq joined the Jamaa’t in the third raka’t of Maghrib Salaat. The method of completing the missed raka’ts is as follows: He should recite (Qiraa’t) in the first raka’t after the Imaam completes, and sit in Tashahhud after this one raka’t. In the second raka’t there will also be Qiraa’t.
19) The Masbooq joins the Jamaa’t during Qa’dah Akheerah (the Last Sitting) of Maghrib. He should perform the missed raka’ts as follows: In the first and second raka’t there will be Qiraa’t. The first Qa’dah will be after the second raka’t. In the third raka’t there will be no Qiraa’t.
20) The Masbooq joins the Jamaa’t in the third raka’t of a four raka’t Fardh Salaat (Zuhr, Asr, Isha’). In his first raka’t when performing the missed raka’ts, there will be Qiraa’t, and Qa’dah. In his second raka’t, there will be Qiraa’t, but no Qa’dah. In his third raka’t there will be no Qiraa’t. This will be his last raka’t.
21) The Masbooq joins in Tashahhud of the second raka’t ( Qa’dah Ula) of a four raka’t Fardh Salaat. In this case there will be Qiraa’t in both raka’ts which the Masbooq performs, and Qa’dah will be after the second raka’t.
Masaa-il of the Laahiq
1) A Muqtadi who had joined the Jamaa’t from the beginning will become a Laahiq if his wudhu breaks during the course of the Salaat. The Laahiq should immediately leave to renew his wudhu. He should not speak nor do anything which nullifies Salaat. After making wudhu, he should join the Jamaa’t and perform the raka’ts which he had missed without reciting any Surah (Qiraa’t). If after completing the missed raka’ts, the Jamaa’t is still in progress, then he has linked up with the Imaam. If the Imaam completes the Salaat while the Laahiq is engaged in Salaat, he (Laahiq) should continue to complete his Salaat.
2) When the Muqtadi’s wudhu breaks during Salaat, he should renew his wudhu at the nearest available place. After having made wudhu, if the Jamaa’t is still in progress, he should join in the saff. Then he should begin with the Rukn (part of the Salaat) in which his wudhu had broken. He should first perform the raka’ts which he has missed. Should the Jamaa’t still be in progress after the Laahiq has completed the missed raka’ts, then he should follow the Imaam. If the Imaam has already ended the Salaat, the Laahiq should continue to complete his Salaat.
3) If the Laahiq after having made wudhu, finds the Jamaa’t has ended, then he may stand anywhere to complete his Salaat. It is not necessary for him to return to the saff.
4) If the Laahiq completes his Salaat in the way the Masbooq does. His Salaat will be valid, but he will be sinful for having done so. It is Waajib for the Laahiq to begin with the missed raka’ts.
5) The Laahiq will not recite any Surah or Aayat in any of the raka’ts. The Imaam’s Qiraa’t suffices for him.
6) After having renewed wudhu, if the Jamaa’t is still in progress, it is best to begin the Salaat afresh. Join the Jamaa’t as a Masbooq. If the Jamaa’t has ended, then start the Salaat afresh. This is called Isteenaaf.