Colonial Violence *This is France #Remind them of their History:*
*This is France #remind them of their history:*
France gathered 400 Muslim scholars and cut their heads with machetes; During its occupation of the country of Chad in 1917 CE.
When France entered the Algerian city of Laghouat in 1852 CE, it exterminated two thirds of its population… by burning it with fire, and in one night.
France conducted 17 nuclear tests in Algeria during the period from 1960 to 1966, which resulted in an unspecified number of victims ranging between 27 thousand and 100 thousand.. Its effects are still today.
When France left Algeria in 1962, it had planted behind it more mines than the entire population of Algeria at the time, 11 million mines.
France occupied Algeria for 132 years.. the French exterminated a million Muslims in the first 7 years after their arrival, and a million and a half in the last 7 years before their departure
French historian Jacques Gorky estimated that the total number of those killed by France in Algeria, from its arrival in 1830 until its departure in 1962, were 10 million Muslims.
*France has occupied* Tunisia for 75 years,
Algeria for 132 years,
Morocco for 44 years, and
Mauritania for 60 years.
When France entered Egypt in its famous campaign, the French soldiers entered the mosques with their horses, and they raped free women in front of their families, and they drank alcohol in the mosques, and they turned a number of mosques into their horse stables.
#Finally they say Islam is a religion of terrorism and our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the prophet of terrorism.
It is strange that you see some flaunting the civilization of France and even defending it and forgetting all its murderous and history, filled with hatred and genocide and terrible crimes…