Kayfiyāt (Feelings) Though Pleasurable, Are Not The Aim (Of This Path Of Tasawwuf).
[In a discourse Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh said,]
I always say that although Kayfiyāt (feelings) and spiritual conditions are pleasurable but they are not the aim (of Tasawwuf), they are nonetheless a catalyst (towards the goal). In order to attain the goal, such pleasures are not necessarily required. Just like no one gets Wajd (condition of being immersed in ones state) in the prescriptions of Hakīm Ajmal Khan Sāheb, it (prescription) is however very helpful.
Similarly when the objective is something straightforward then it does not involve much Kayfiyāt etc. Such Kayfiyāt and Wajd, in spite of being desired, are a means of pleasure for the Nafs (inner self) and not ones spirituality, while the actual aim gives pleasure to ones spirituality.
Unfortunately, people give undue importance to screaming, shouting and jumping around. There is no doubt that such Wajd is liked, however there is difference of opinion among the sufiyā in them being the aim.
The Prophets alayhimus salām temperament was overpowered by calmness and tranquility and were not affected by vigor, so we cannot say that such Wajd is a sunnah. I always say that an isolated action of Rasulullah salallāhu alayhi wasallam is not enough to declare that particular action as a sunnah, rather sunnah would be the dominant action, and anything that was done by chance cannot be a sunnah.
The reality of these kayfiyāt is like the person who prays for 30 years with such pleasurable feelings. This was in his time of youth and he had vigor in him. In his later age weakness overtook him and he lost these kayfiyāt. Now the person would realize that these kayfiyāt were merely from his vigor of the youth; had it been from the salāh itself, he would still have it. He spent 30 years thinking it was a kayfiyah from Salāh.
Hence it is necessary to have a Sheikhul Kāmil in this path. What would one get by walking aimlessly (in this path)? Moreover one should always keep in mind that actions (Af’āl) are mostly from the soul, and Infi’āl are from the Nafs.
Malfuzāt Hakīmul Ummat Malfuz # 336 – vol. 1 pg. 253