“And no doubt Allah did help you at Badr although you were resource less. So keep fearing Allah so that you may be able to render thanks.” [S3:V123]
The name of the Battle according to the historians Badr Al Kubra or Badr Al Uzma while Allah names it Youm Al Furqaan (The day of distinguishing truth and falsehood)
Badr was approximately 80 miles away from Madinah, in this place was a well whose owner’s name was Badr where the Battle took place.
Reason of the battle of Badr
The actual reason for the Battle of Badr was the killing of Amr bin Hadrami as the Kuffaar of the Quraish were angered and sought revenge for it. He was from a respected family of Makkah and the Kuffaar began to chant “an eye for an eye!” He was killed by Hazrat Waaqid bin Abdullah رضي الله عنه in order to save the lives of a group of Sahaabah from the Kuffaar and was the first disbeliever to be killed by a Muslim.
The caravan which Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم wanted to obstruct in the Ghazwah of Zil Asheerah (which took place before Amr bin Hadrami was killed), had now returned from Shaam (Syria) and was heading towards Makkah. Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said to his Sahaabah, “The Kuffaar of the Quraish circle Madina everyday with the intention of looting and plundering it. Karz bin Jabir Fahri has stolen our animals from us. To obstruct their trade route, we should stop this caravan of the Quraish and capture its goods, forcing them to sign a truce with us.” The Ansaar and Muhajireen were immediately prepared to follow this strategy of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and his Sahaabah departed from Madina to bring this plan into action. The usual provisions and weaponry of war were not taken, as major fighting was not anticipated.
In the meantime, a rumour spread in Makkah that the Muslims had left Madina fully armed to do battle and raid the caravan, exciting the Kuffaar who began to motivate themselves for war against the Muslims. When the news of this reached Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم, he informed the Sahabahرضي الله عنهم [Seerat e Mustafa]
Number of soldiers
Muslim army: 313
Which consisted of 60 Muhajireen (immigrants of Makkah) the rest where Ansaar (helpers of madinah)
Kuffaar: 1000
Night of supplication
The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم supplicated to Allah saying, “Ya Allah fulfill the promise which you made to me today.”
The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم made sajdah and beseech the following, “O Allah! If these servants of Yours are destroyed, there shall be none to worship you until the Day of Judgement.” [Seerat ibn Hisham]
Allah تعالى sends angels
As in Surah Ale Imran verse 124 & 125 Allah تعالى talks about the angels. First 3000 angels descended and later a further 2000 angels came down making the total of 5000 altogether [Tafsir Noorul Irfan]
Weapons for the Battle
Muslim army: 60 armors and few weapons
Kuffaar: 600 armors and all had weapons
Muslim Army: 70 camels (some say 80)
Kuffaar: few hundred camels (some say 170)
Muslim Army: 2 horses (some say 1)
Kuffaar: 100 horses (some say 60)
The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم rode on the animal with Sayyidina Ali and Sayyidina Abu Lubabah (some say Sayyidina Marthad bin Abi Marthad who later took the place of Sayyidina Abu Lubabah)
Battle losses
Muslim army: 14 martyred (Shaheed)
Of which were 6 Muhajireen and 8 Ansaar
Kuffaar: 70 killed and 70 taken prisoners
Muslims where victorious