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Durood Shareef Na’tiyyah

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the head of the human race
Through him from the hardship of times creation is safe

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that entity who in the heat of tomorrow
Will give a wholesome drink to the thirsty

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to he who with hope of graciousness
Afforded special treatment to those who came to him on behalf of the masses

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the company for all mankind
Who makes the scary abode of the grave welcoming

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the Soul of the Leader of the Messengers
Whose footsteps we follow head over heels

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the one who enjoys perpetual grace
Who conferred endless bounties of goodness

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the Promulgator of the Beautiful Shariah
Who with his advent distinguished good people from the bad ones

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the magnanimous whose Ummah
Will enter without misgiving on the Day of Hashr, Jannah

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that entity without whom
The power of growth would not fuse with the power of sense

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that entity by the virtue of his infallibility
The Haq saves its lovers from retreating devils

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that being, whoever takes refuge in him
Never can the hands of the whispering devils reach him

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb to that being who with the flashing sword
Made the eyes of the sun-worshippers see total darkness

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to the holder of such a class of nobility
By virtue of it, mankind distinguished characteristics from genera

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that being who plants the trees of the noble
For us in the orchard of the Ummah

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that being who with the wealth of munificence
Removes poverty from the homes of the poor

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to his wholesome family
And to the Companions, together with Sayyidina Hamzah and Sayyidina Abbaas

Send perfect blessings, O my Rabb, to that being from whom Hazrat Uwais’s
Body and soul became purified from impurities
