Wearing a topi and performing Salaah
- If a person is a Haafiz, is it permissible for him to recite the Qur’an in front of everybody without a topi?
- Can he lead the namaaz?
- The Qur’an Shareef is the greatest living miracle of the Deen of Islam. When the Qur’an is the greatest living miracle and it is through the Qur’an that we receive guidance and blessings, then it is only befitting that we afford the Qur’an the greatest degree of reverence and respect. We should thus wear clean clothes, apply itr and wear a topi at the time of reciting the Qur’an.
- When one stands to offer Salaah, one should ensure that one’s attire and clothing conform to the Sunnah. Thereafter one should perform the Salaah with complete devotion and concentration fulfilling all the postures in the proper manner. In proportion to the quality of the Salaah, one receives reward from Allah Ta’ala. Hadhrat Anas (Radiyallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasaalam) said: “When a person offers his salaah on its prescribed time with proper wudhu, and fulfilling all the postures in the correct manner (i.e. his qiyaam, ruku’ and sajdah) with the desired concentration and devotion, then the salaah rises up in a bright and beautiful form saying to him, ‘May Allah Ta’ala safeguard you as you have safeguarded me.’ On the other hand, if a person does not perform his salaah punctually, nor does he perform a proper wudhu or fulfil his postures in the correct manner, then the salaah rises up in an ugly and dark form and curses him saying, ‘May Allah Ta’ala destroy you as you have destroyed me.’ The salaah then rises to the point where Allah Ta’ala wishes, and thereafter it is folded like a dirty rag and flung on his face.” Hence, when we understand that receiving the full reward of the Salaah is subject to performing the Salaah in accordance to the Sunnah, then the Sunnah manner of performing Salaah is that one performs the Salaah while wearing a topi. The Fuqaha have written that performing Salaah without a topi is makrooh.
Listening to Qur’an while exercising
Q: Is it permissible to listen to the Qur’an while exercising?
A: The adab of the Qur’aan requires that you listen to it attentively and you remain silent. Apparently this is not in keeping with the adab of the Qur’aan.
Returning stolen money to the estate of the deceased
Q: I have stolen my grandfathers money in my childhood but now my grandfather is not with us. I don’t remember the exact amount. Now what should I do? How should I repay it?
A: To the best of your ability try to estimate the amount you had taken. As a precaution it is better to estimate a little extra. Thereafter you should return the amount to the estate of your grandfather. The money will have to then be distributed among the heirs according to the stipulated shares of inheritance.
Q: Can a thirteen year old girl play sports? If yes, then what are the things she should keep in mind while practising or playing?
A: The type of sports that are played nowadays is really shameless and un-bashful. A girl after the age of nine should remain within the home. Let her recreation be within the home.
Durood Shareef after Salaah
Q: After fard prayer, do you have to send salutation on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) by reading the durood shareef? Every masjid do that but when I am doing research, in no place it is mentioned that after fard prayer, you have to send blessings on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (i.e Allahumma swaliraswayyidinamuhammadinwwaralaalimuhammadinwwabaarikwasallim)? Or is it that they do this because they make the congregational dua after that because durood should be recited before making dua? According to my knowledge, after fard prayer, you have to read ayat ul kursi, tasbeen e fatihi and make your own dua and some but this recitation of durood is confusing.
A: At the end of every prayer, durood shareef is masnoon. Durood shareef is recited in the attahiyyaat as well as after the attahiyyaat when you recite Durood-e-Ebraheem.
Is wearing the red Saudi scarf a Sunnah?
Q: Is the red Saudi scarf and igaal a sunnat or is it a sunnah of the Saudi dynasty. I know to wear an Imaamah is sunnah mustimirrah, what about a normal khimaar or scarf?
A: It is not a sunnat. It is just a style of the saudis.
Khimaar is not a sunnah.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Mufti E S