Regrets and Vain Hopes – Hadhrat Basri (rahmatullah alayh)
O People! At the time of death, man will depart with three regrets:
(1) Unaccomplished hopes re- garding accumulation of wealth.
(2) Unfulfilled dreams and desires.
(3) Preparations for the life be- yond the grave had not been made.”
Someone asked Hadhrat Basri (rahmatullah alayh) about a man who is engrossed in vice and transgression, yet he hopes that Allah Ta’ala will grant him salvation. Hadhrat Hasan said: “His hope is vain. His baseless hope
will not be fulfilled.” Hadhrat Hasan then recited the following aayat of the Qur’aan to substantiate what he had said: “What, is a man who stands up (in Salaat) during the moments of the night, prostrating fearing the Aakhirah and hoping for the mercy of his Rabb, equal to a disobedient one?”
Minus effort and struggle, hopes for Allah’s mercy and for salvation are vain.
Source: MAJLIS-VOL-24-NO-04