The Root of every sin, ghaflat (inertia); bestial desire is pleasure with one’s nafs … alertness and purity are displeasure with one’s nafs.

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The root of every sin, ghaflat (inertia); bestial desire is pleasure with one’s nafs and the seed of every obedience; alertness and purity are displeasure with one’s nafs.
When a man is pleased with his condition, then he is in fact pleased with his nafs, whether his state be good or bad. This pleasure with the nafs is the root of every evil, negligence and lowly nafsaani desire.
When a man in pleased with his nafs, its defects and evils will be concealed from his gaze. His own evil will also appear pleasing. His heart will feel safe and satisfied with his nafs. He will then become forgetful of Allah Ta’ala. In the wake of ghaflat (forgetfulness, neglect, inertia), wasaawis (stray satanic thoughts) and lustful desires will strike him with force. Sin will then be the result.

Being displeased with the state of one’s nafs is the root of obedience, alertness and purity. When man is displeased with his nafs, he will always be alert. He will understand every trick and desire of this enemy. He will examine intelligently every demand of the nafs on the standard of the Shariah. Any demand he finds in conflict with the Shariah will be shunned.
In the initial stage, the struggle against the nafs is difficult. Sometimes the nafs will emerge victorious and sometimes it will be defeated. However, if the struggle (Mujaahadah) is maintained, the power of the nafs will gradually be neutralised and it will become content with the Shariah. It will then refrain from rebellion. Purity and obedience will become its nature. Sin and inertia will be banished.
By Allah! Your companionship with a jaahil (ignoramus) who is displeased with his nafs is better than association with an Aalim who is pleased with his nafs. Of what benefit is his knowledge to him? And, what harm is the ignorance of an ignoramus who is dissatisfied with his nafs?
Since the benefit of an Aalim’s companionship and the harm of a jaahil’s company are acknowledged facts, the Shaikh (Rahmatullah Alayh) takes an oath and says that the companionship of such a man who although ignorant of book (external) knowledge, is displeased with his nafs, is superior to the companionship of an Aalim who is satisfied with his nafs. The ignorant man (mentioned in this context) although lacking in academic knowledge, understands with conviction that his nafs is the embodiment of evil and defect. He does not commit the error of believing in having any excellences. Such a man is kaamil (spiritually perfect). He is not an ignoramus.

On the other hand if a man is contented with his nafs, then despite his qualifications in academic knowledge, his association will prove harmful. In him is the root of every evil, hence even if his zaahiri (academic) knowledge induces him to obey the Shariat, his moral state is dangerous. One cannot repose confidence in him. His spiritual disease will most certainly exercise its influence at some time. His companionship will harm whoever is in his association because the influence of companionship is an acknowledged fact. Such a person will be enamoured by his academic research and be pleased with himself. This is precisely ghaflat.
This disease (being satisfied with one’s nafs) is extremely subtle. The one in whom it lurks is himself unable to detect it. The man who is always displeased with the state of his nafs regardless of how beautiful the condition of the nafs may appear, will not be harmed by ignorance. On the other hand, an Aalim who is contented with his nafs and endeavours to acquire the pleasure of the people for his acts, his knowledge is of no benefit.

Ikmaalush Shiyam