Saudah radiyallahu ‘anha

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Saudah radiyallahu ‘anha

She is also the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. She had given her day which he used to spend with her to ‘A’ishah. ‘A’ishah says: “I never desired to be like any woman except Saudah. Whenever I used to see her, I desired to be like her.” The name of her first husband was Sukran bin ‘Amr.

Lesson: Look at her magnanimity that she gave her turn to her co- wife. These days, a woman unnecessarily fights with the co-wife and is jealous of her. Look at the justice of ‘A’ishah that she praises her co-wife. Today, they intentionally look for faults in the co-wife. O women! You should also adopt magnanimity and justice of this nature.