A Glimpse Into The Deep Knowledge Of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi
In Logic Moulana Ashraf Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi achieved perfection. In this regard he says himself in an expression of gratitude:
“Al-Hamdulillah! I am proficient in Mantiq. And why must I not say something that is true as I am neither one who flaunts humility nor one who shows arrogance. Why should I deny something which Haq Ta’ala bestowed? It is the Deen of Allah Ta’ala; none of my greatness.
Lesson: From this we learn that flaunting humility exists. Displaying humility for people to praise a person on this quality falls under the category doing actions for show. Everything in moderation and for the pleasure of Allah Ta’laa is the way to success!
Further Hadhrat says,
“And, in fact, I do not regard it to be anything great because by virtue of straightening the shoes of Buzrugs it has become embedded in my mind that
:فہم و خاطر تیز کر دن نیست راه
Sharpening the mind and intelligence is not the way
جز شکسته می نگیر د فضل شاه
Only a broken-heart gains the grace of the Almighty
Comfortable With the Rational Sciences
He had much interest and understanding of the rational sciences [philosophy, maths, geometry, physics, etc.].
On account of this he would peruse intricate kitaabs such as Sadra, Shams-e Baazighah without need for translating. Challenging texts would appear straightforward to him.
However, notwithstanding this skill he never stopped at the rational sciences like others. On the contrary, he always regarded it to be just a tool for Deeniyyaat [Islamic Sciences/Deeni Studies].
Since moderation and sound-thinking were part and parcel of his nature and hence he would maintain everything inequilibrium, in comparison to the traditional sciences [Tafseer, Hadeeth, Fiqh, etc.) he would always dislike the rational sciences in spite of his profound ability in those subjects. Therefore, when commencing a lesson of Philosophy, instead of Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, he would recite A’oothu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajeem.
This is proof of his foresightedness because Shaitaan invariably makes inroads through this path [the path of rational and modern science].
As a matter of fact, he would say:”Al-Hamdulillah! I never allow my feelings to dominate my intelligence and I never allow my intelligence to dominate the Shariat,”
The above episode testifies to his foresightedness being divinely bestowed, not personally earned.